Slowly disengaging but now this...
Hi all,
So little back story, I have a soon to be SS 10 who has some disabilities that is just driving me nuts lately! He is a lot to handle, like a lot! The boy can wear anyone out within a few hours let me tell you. Thankfully my finance is good with him and I'm an so thankful we only have EOWE, but today is the day he is scheduled to visit us for 4 days because of the stupid holiday and today after coming home from a long day at work he is the last thing I want to deal with. He's not a bad kid, just super annoying and talks a lot! I have always had a lot of patience but lately I just don't and I can't figure out why. I've been letting his dad do everything when he's here from feeding him to taking him out to do boy things and now my fiance is starting to have his feelings hurt. For the last 2 months I've slowly started to disengage when he's over, I go out with my sisters or friends for a few hours and then come home and do my own thing like laundry and clean or just run errands. My fiance has finally asked last weekend why I'm not around when SS is over and I just said I'm sorry that I'm just busy and have a go-go kind of schedule lately. I want to bring it up and make him aware of what I'm doing but I know it's going to cause a fight. I know it's his son and I chose to be in this relationship and I don't plan on leaving but how can I ease the topic or the situation? Last night he expressed his sadness at me not being around when SS is over and that he wants to do things together with his son because we're his 2 favorite people and boy I felt like an asshole! Has anyone ever had a partner who fought back to the disengaging, and how did your relationship survive? I say that because if I did bring it up I know deep down it would be a fight and cause a lot of friction. I'm at point where I want to bring it up but the other part of me what's to try building a tolerance or better relationship with his son for the sake of my fiances feelings. I need help, I'm stuck at the crossroads.
Just tell him - I like SS but
Just tell him - I like SS but 10 yo behavior is stressful for me and I need time to myself. Then plan some time with them when SS is there. Sounds like Your SO parents him, so that’s good. You just don’t want to be with him all the time.
More of a problem is
What happens is SS starts being there more, EWE, 50%, some thing apples to BM and 24/7. If you can’t do EOWD, two days in 14 days. Basically you can’t have it easiler. It’s your SO kid he should be taking care of it. Guest he wants “ The Family Thing “.
...if it was easy, anyone could do it."
Please understand, it's just how ACTIVE he is. He is a delight, and I love him a lot, but it's mentally and physically taxing on me when he's around. And I don't want to kill his spirit for being so active, it's part of what makes him so special to me, though for my own self-preservation, I just have to sake him in smaller doses till he gets a little older and hopefully less rambunctious. I hope you'll understand, but after a whole weekend with him, then I go to work for the week, drained of all my energy. And I really need to be rested and focused at work.
Just some thoughts.