Ideas needed Please :)
So, I was driving my girls to school this morning (dd's age 6 and 9) and listening to them talk.
And I was thinking how they could use some thinking and working on empathy and being kind to everyone (they are good kids don't get me wrong, just kids, selfish and thoughtless sometimes)
So, I set them a challenge - they had to complete a random act of kindness towards someone outside of their normal friendship group at some point during the day at school and tell me about it this afternoon. (We discussed what this meant and what kinds of things etc)
They really got into the idea, accepted the challenge and asked if we could do it every day - where I set them a different challenge every day with a task they have to complete, and say over a month if they can do it they get a reward.
Love the idea.
Need some ideas of what other challenges I can give them though LOL
So - I am happy to repeat challenges but need at least 7-10 I think to keep it interesting?
Anyone help with ideas?
Bring food to an elderly
Bring food to an elderly neighbor or someone in the community that is in bed and sick and they can just bring them a baloon , flowers and spend time talking with them.
I love what you are doing - it is so important.Keep the wonderful work that you are doing! This is such a great idea - I will do this with my children when I become a mother!
Love and Light
They're limited at school.
They're limited at school. Also lets put their imaginations to work.
The Boy/Girl Scouts are supposed to do a "good deed" every day. Explain the concept and ask them to keep their eyes open. As simple as picking up a dropped book can count.
Thanks guys. OCC - yes that
Thanks guys.
OCC - yes that was pretty much what I was aiming at when I started - and how I explained it - just doing something big or small for someone without it being required.
We are fairly new to our neighbourhood, and know about 2 people (literally
But you have given me food for thought - I am thinking perhaps we could visit someone at an old people's home who doesn't have regular visits - that would help us and them
Yeah, that was the kind of
Yeah, that was the kind of thing they did the first day - random acts of kindness
Love that! thanks