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Am I wrong

twinstep's picture

So I have finally reached the point where I told my husband that I will not say a word to his daughters as long as they live in my house. Unhealthy?? Yes I know it is but its either that or I do something I may regret. I do not have children of my own, am 40 years old and have had enough! At what point if at all does it get easier. These past 6 years have been hell. I can not stand the sight of either of them (twins) And hubby is the biggest wimp, his parenting skills scream sucker! I have told him so but he is so afraid they will wanna go live with their BM, there is no discipline for their actions, and I for one will not tolerate a liar. Pet peeve #1. and they keep doing it and daddy does nothing. So after this last lie, I suggested he take away some thing they want, which homecoming is this Friday and he did, however the little brats asked if they could go to the "football game" this Friday, I had to tell him that Friday was homecoming- absolutley not, he says well I said they couldnt go to the dance not the game..........oh my good lord I could have jumped through the phone and strangled him! I had to tell him that the dance goes on during the game!!! God help him if he still lets them go. Gotta give the sneaky brats credit for trying. This is one of our constant battles he doesnt think like a sneaky kid and doesnt want to believe his precious daughters are capable of such actions and because I have caught them in so many lies,I have sunk so low as snooping.Then I am the one who brings all these things to his attention. Any advice on how to get hubby to grow some balls before I divorce him???

new evil stepmom's picture

step parents get a bad rap, they see through the manipulation and point it out. skids don't like that and then resent us for it. keep doing what you are doing, bf should know he is being lied to.

new evil stepmom's picture

bm to deal with but she is uneducated, ignorant, poor hygiene trash. when we go to court she tries to pretty herself up and ends up looking like a hooker from the 80's. she is a heavy smoker and smokes around the kids (doesn't have a designated smoking area), she doesn't have any structure what-so-ever in regards to homework, chores, hygiene, dinner, etc. she is constantly on a cell phone and never having a conversation with kids/people in her presence.

i wish there was spell checker on this thing - sometimes my spelling makes me look uneducated too -LOL

Anne 8102's picture

If their lies don't affect you, then I say who cares?! I mean, as long as you are not directly impacted by the backlash, then let them grow up to be lying manipulators. If their lies adversely affect hubby? Oh, well! Too bad, so sad. Not your kids, not your problem.

If their lies DO, on the other hand, affect you in some real way, then YOU be the one to discipline them... YOU take away the iPod, disconnect the cell phones, cut off their computer, etc.

~ Anne ~
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