Family vacation questions?
Hello! I'm new to this site as well as a new step parent seeking some advice.
To give a little background we are a new "step family" My husband and I both have 2 children each, his being older (19&17 girls-one has a child of her own) mine being younger (8&11 boys). His children live with their mother and my children live with us.
We are planning a family vacation and the issue of rooms came up and how we would need two etc...My husband then said "Well, I would have to stay with them" (meaning the girls) I immediately get my back up and ask why?
He explains that the girls miss him and will want to be with him due to the fact they don't live together and he works away often.(There is a lot of "daddy time" issues here as well, they insist he sit between them at dinner etc)
In my mind, I'm thinking, 19 & 17 yrs old...they will want their own room? Would they not? It's not like we won't all be together during the day.
So, is it unreasonable for me to want to spend my vacation in the same room as my husband?
Is it unfair that my children stay in our room? (trust me if they were old enough they would be in their own room lol)
I'm really trying to have an open mind about this and see both sides but I'm just not sure how to react? I'm almost offended...
Chances are we will get a large suite or something but I'm just curious what others think and have to offer
Thanks for letting me rant!
^^^^this.... :O :jawdrop:
OMG im trying not to vomit in
OMG im trying not to vomit in my mouth... vom.... This is so unnatural - it would be even if the kids were younger but he wants to share a room with 19 and 17 year old girls rather than his wife..... this is wrong on so many levels - my hubby would not even do this with his ss11 and he has serious disney daddy traits. have you not addressed him about this previously as I can imagine this stems deeper than sitting beside them at dinner time.....
Your SDs appear to have "mini
Your SDs appear to have "mini wife" syndrome and your DH is allowing it out of guilt.
It is totally inappropriate for your DH to share a room with his grown daughters and not his wife.
If it were me, I'd bail out of this vacation and take my boys somewhere else - just the three of us.
I agree with
I agree with are hardly going to pay towards this vacation???? Your kids are babies compared to his and I am sure you are willing to not have them in you and step dads room....
Phew! I'm not crazy!!
Phew! I'm not crazy!! lol Thank you mannin, that is also what I was thinking.
Ew my DH was just like this
Ew my DH was just like this with SDipshit, he went on a cruise with her when she was a teenager and they shared a room. Theres some odd dynamic with a lot of divorced fathers and their daughters not all but a lot. When I first first used to be around SD my DH would fawn all over her, hang with her, stay with her, and when they would do that Id just go with my kids and leave it at that. If its a family vacation it should be the DH and you and then the kids. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned into a "daddy daddy fest". Im with mannin just take your kids and go alone and tell them to have fun wherever him and his sister wives go
This doesn't sound weird at
This doesn't sound weird at all. I have a few friends who are single dads. When they vacation with their minor kids, (male and female) they book one room/cabin.
The single moms do this as well. I sure as heck only booked one room when I took my son on vacations.
What the OP's husband is planning is just down right crazy.
im from ireland and going to
im from ireland and going to canada for one of my best friends weddings in the fall. This was supposed to be a romantic holiday based on the fact we havent had one in almost 3 years. However, my fil is very elderly and used to live in canada so we thought it would be nice to bring him as well. that was absolutely fine by me even though we would be paying for it all. We were talking about going to NYC as Ive never been there and would absolutely love to go. In the interim I said we would go camping in France for a week which will be very financially tight for us. Dh said that wouldnt be right that ss had to come to canada with us too. I turned to dh and said this holiday was our first in 3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! were bringing ss to France!!!! and if he wished he could bring fil and ss to nyc independently and pay and i would go to canada on my own or bring a friend. Sometimes you have got to put the foot down and this is one of those times OP!
Thank you Sometimes a gal
Thank you
Sometimes a gal just needs some validation-his kids are really the only thing we fight about and I sometimes think I take a hard line, But they are truly spoiled manipulative little people. Don't miss NYC! It's wonderful!
yeah, Ewwww. If he wanted to
yeah, Ewwww. If he wanted to share my bed again, he best be in it during a family vacation. If DH couldn't be bothered to stay in my room with me; I'd be vacationing else where & most likely apartment hunting.
The only other way to split
The only other way to split into two rooms would be females in one and males in the other which is what we did on a trip to China and could only afford two rooms as opposed to a suite of rooms.
Definitely get a big 3br
Definitely get a big 3br suite with a common area for you all to spend all day together, but three bedrooms so you all have appropriate sleeping space. It'll cost more but in the long run it will be money well spent!
This vacation doesn't sound
This vacation doesn't sound like fun at all.
Okay, so they miss him. They will be going on vacation with him, they need to sleep in the same room with him, too? Ridiculous.
sick. :sick:
Why would a man want to share
Why would a man want to share a room with his teenage daughters? Creepy! They are practically grown women! This reminds me of the other dude who took 72 wet tshirt pics of his daughters. Ugh.
OMG I totally forgot about
OMG I totally forgot about that story.... ewww visuals back in my head!
Eeeew! By the time I was 13 I
Eeeew! By the time I was 13 I didn't want to share rooms with either one of my parents. I wouldn't even want to share rooms with my dad even at that age.
I knew a wife and husband made a couple and those people would rightly want to sit together. Every time I hear a story of some daughter or daughters trying to sit by their dad as if they are trying to squeeze the wife out of the picture is nothing but a plan to make you feel out in the cold.
I never did that to parents, nor would I do that to on purpose hanging out in a group of people who I had friends that had boyfriends.
I swear such Step daughters as these are UN-NATURAL and it is not because of the lack of quality time with a parent.
These two are old enough not to pull such crap.
It does not help having a husband agging it on. WTF
You are not wrong. This is
You are not wrong. This is the stupidiest thing I have ever heard. I know my DH would want to be in the same room/bed with me.
As a teenager/young adult I did not want to be that close to my dad. Ewwwww
very odd. cant you rent a
very odd.
cant you rent a house? everyone has their own bedroom but plenty of common areas for quality parent-child time outside of the bedroom.
Thank you for all your
Thank you for all your comments and be assured this is coming from his kids insisting on him being with them. It isn't coming from some perversion of him wanting to sleep next to his kids...they wouldn't be sharing beds, just a room. In any case I still feel it is completely inappropriate and I thank you all for your support! There are times when I feel I'm the one being unreasonable as I've never been a step-parent before, however my experience as bio parent kicks in and I think....oh man if those were my kids!! :O
In a strange twist of fate the bio-mother of the girls has announced she will not allow them to go (yes they are 19 & 17) unless their father goes alone...(that is a whole other kettle of fish) so it may be a moot point after all...*sigh* how do you people do this?!?!?!
All the better, they can stay
All the better, they can stay home with BM.
Exactly. Fingers crossed! lol
Exactly. Fingers crossed! lol
Problem solved. Enjoy your
Problem solved.
Enjoy your trip and don't give the girls a second thought.
Oh boy. Please make sure
Oh boy. Please make sure you're setting up boundaries now, as veteran step moms are advising. We just don't want to see another soul tortured in the name of step family fairyland!!!
Good luck!