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In need of an outlet

GemRN's picture

Hi! I am new to this forum and I really felt like I could use some support. Over the past few weeks, our lives have really changed. I married DH 5 years ago and have been in his and his children's lives for 8. I have a SD (age 14) and SS (age 16). My SD has always had issued with her BM and her stepdad and recently things have begun to spiral out of control. She was caught having guys over (some over 18) until past midnight while her BM was working and her stepdad was on a business trip. Needless to say, she was in a lot of trouble. After getting lectured by her stepdad and BM, she flipped out. SD proceeded to cut her arm many times with scissors and told her mom she was going to kill herself. After their trip to the hospital, SD came to stay with us while things cooled down. I've been taking her to a partial hospitalization self-injury program everyday since the incident. After a week with us, the guys paid a visit to her BM with a baseball bat demanding SD come out, have put fircrackers under BM and stepdads cars, and thrown rocks at what used to be SDs window. The four of us decided it would be better and safer for SD if she gave us custody.

I love having SD in my life. We've always had a very close relationship and she counts on me as the person she can talk to. She knows I will always listen and have her best interest at heart. However, her living with us for the past 4 weeks has really opened our eyes to some things. She is not the fun spirited, sweet girl we knew on the weekends and her months with us during the summer. She has been on a tight leash since the incident (no facebook, no AIM, minimal phone calls because we do not want these "boys" finding her and we do not trust her atm). I understand that she is going through a difficult time and I feel for her because she will be attending a new school for her 8th grade year, doesn't know anyone here yet and is now living seperate from her brothers.

We decided to let her go to a skating party because I was worried about her feeling isolated, but we put boundries on it saying that she could only stay for an hour and a half and I was going to be there. After leaving the party, she wouldn't speak to me and completely blocked me out with her headphones. She has major issues with the word "no" and even "yes, but.." (she feels if its not exactly her way, it might as well be "no"). We've also realized that she has little to no values. She is dishonest, disrespectful, very sneaky, irresponsible and pessimistic. Not to say that she doesn't have good attributes, it's just that her negative ones have really been showing their colors lately. We realize this is going to be an adjustment for her since DH and I are very much on the same page and work as a united front. Her BM would unground her when her stepdad went to work or went on business trips, so she's never really learned that "no means no" and that there are consequences for her actions. Since the skating incident, I've decided that if that is how she is going to treat me when I'm trying to do something nice for her, I absolutely will not put any effort into her seeing her old classmates. I understand that friends are very important at this age, but I refuse to be treated disrespectfully when I was the one that thought it would be good for her to see some familiar faces amongst all of this change and I was the one that drove the an hour and a half to her old neighborhood for her to do so.

It's going to be a very difficult and trying time because she is 14. I feel that this late in the game, instilling morals and values is going to be like hitting a brick wall. We will certainly NOT give up on her though. I just want her to be the best and happiest person she can be, but she really sabotages everything for herself with her actions and attitude. I guess I just needed to get this out. My heart has been very heavy over the last few weeks. Maybe finding an outlet like this will help with my feelings on the situation and prevent her mood swings from dictating the mood of our household.

Good Stepmom's picture

You certainly have your hands full on this one. Since you two had a good relationship before, I'd start there. Have you tried just sitting down with her and not talk at her, but ask her what is troubling her and how you can help? Maybe there truly is something bothering her that she needs help with and she's just waiting for someone to ask. I'd ask if she would like to be part of building a plan together with you and her Dad for moving forward. No looking back, dredging up the finger pointing...just moving forward. I know sometimes I can have a tendancy to talk at my SDs when I'm upset with them, I have to consciously get out of my emotions and allow them the opportunity to speak their minds.. If she won't open up, then in my opinion you and her Father should have a serious sit down talk with her. I'm sure all this is having an impact on her brother you said her mood dictates the mood of the household. This reminds me so much of our experience with my SS. As long as you feel her mood sets the tone of the day, she has become the one in charge and that isn't guys are in charge, not a 14 year old moody kid. This is tough because she is only 14, but I think its time to be honest with her. She's headed for real trouble if she's not corraled! I think she needs to hear the words, that you guys love her and always will, but there are things you just are not willing to tolerate and that if she is to stay with you in your home, things will not continue as they have. I'd lay out for her your expectations and the consequences for not meeting those expectations and tell her that the days of her ruling the roost with her poor behavior and mood swings are over. If you continue to have trouble with those boys, I would check with my local police dept. to see what my options are. At the very least they are trespassing I would think....

If you try to bring her into this adult approach to changing the current dynamics, she might respond positively. I think somtimes asking for them to help be a part of the solution can bring them over to our side so it isn't an us vs them situation between kid and parents. If she doesn't change her behavior, I would get at least you and her Dad into family counseling to get some professional advice on what to do, Especially since she has reacted to discipline negatively and physically before, I would think she needs to see someone as well.

We all sympathize and wish you well I'm sure...let us hear back from you on how things are going.