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Haters gonna hatehatehate. Somewhat OT.

CLove's picture

All over social media and on almost every street corner festooned with flowers - there are random proclimations of "love".

This isnt a rant or a problem - this post o mine - merely an interesting occurence with SD Munchkin 12.

So, Munchkin came in the house last night after school with DH, and she didnt say hello, or anything. Just sat in the rocking chair on her phone or tablet drawing. I knew something was wrong, but thought maybe shes just tired. I left her alone, to decompress from the day.


just Need to vent

Mommiedearest66's picture

since the last time I was one here I took a step back from trying to be involved, disengaging, it honestly only made the situation worse. DH and I fought about how I don’t care how everything seems fake and the like. So I went to ca last weekend and SD was also gone with BM for the weekend because they had a trip planned. So DH had an entire weekend to figure his side out after we fought about this stuff. But we let SD go with BM This way we could have SD for Halloween since it’s during the week. 
