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SS6 is starting to show true colors or more so poor parenting is straining us

katoj's picture

I expressed to her I strongly dislike being. A step parent. It’s been a Brutal Christmas. I bought him a $400 steam deck. $30 robot, $15 volcano, $30 science experiments for us to do and much more shit. I did all the presents with him while she stood around trying to play with his toys by herself. All for his mom to need help with something else financially..


Step daughter sleep routine

Stepmummy7's picture

My step daughter has just turned 7 years old, and spends the night with us 3 days every other week. She has been spending the night (not this exact schedule) since she was 3. When she is at our house, she sleeps in her own bed, in her own room (which is decorated, how she likes it etc). However, when she is with her BM, she is still held to sleep every night in her BM's arms, and shares the same bed as her. Because of this, my SD really doesn't like having to sleep in her own bed while she stays with us.


Am I selfish?

Renarchy's picture

This is my first post so its going to be a little long. So my fiancé, his son and I live together. When I first moved in there was a plumbing issue in the apartment that caused a lot of damage to his personal items. So I adjusted and we were all sleeping In the same room. As time passed I realized that he wasn’t letting his son go to his own room at all. So I asked nicely and he turned it into a big argument about me wanting him to push his son away and out of the room. Let me make it clear his son loves me and I do too.
