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Our best source of info on the kids: school meetings

amodernstepmom's picture

Just got back from a school meeting with BM for SS6's school accomodations. I was representing DH because he's traveling and unable to make it.

I'm so glad we had the meeting because something very frustrating happened, as it often does: we learned more about the kids that their mother doesn't bother sharing with us.


OT - Women (and Men!) Wednesday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Can oral health (your teeth!) impact your HEART? Taking care of your teeth is not yet a proven way to prevent heart disease, but many studies have shown a connection between gum disease (periodontitis) and other serious conditions, including heart disease. The common thread between oral and cardiovascular health is inflammation. In gum disease, bacteria clings around the roots of the teeth and irritates the gums. In heart disease and stroke, it's plaque that builds up in arteries, potentially blocking blood flow.


OT - Women Wednesday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Are you rocking Summer with a cool pair of sunglasses? If not, you should be!

Protecting the eyes from the sun is just as important as protecting the skin. Most people are aware of the dangers of exposing the skin to too much sunlight, and many of us make an effort to slather on some sunscreen to protect our skin from wrinkles, premature aging, and skin cancer.
