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OT - Mental Health Monday - UPDATE

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Thanks for the prayers, good vibes, and PMs. BFF's son has been admitted to an inpatient facility and will hopefully get the help he needs. 

I'm taking the day off to spend with BFF. She is feeling terribly lost and a failure as a mother. She is, hands down, one of the best moms I know. Her son is on meds, but was "feeling pretty okay" and thought he could just stop taking them. For anyone on medication, I beg you to PLEASE NOT stop taking them without medical supervision. 

PM if you need anything. I'll be checking in throughout the day. 


OT - Mental Health Monday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Yay, it's Monday!!!

Said no one. *lol*  Okay, maybe if that's the start of your weekend or vacation. Biggrin

As you know, I am recovering from a wicked go'round with Covid (I won, you *&%#@!). Aaaaaaand I have been mentally beating the crap out of myself because my body is not responding the way I want. I've recovered from major surgeries faster than this. Sheesh! It has been (for me) frustrating. 


OT - Mental Health Monday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I know I'm a little late to the game time-wise. Then again, when it comes to your mental health, ANY time of the day (or night) is a good time to focus on it.

I read something late Friday that stuck with me. Especially since it kept bouncing in and out of my thoughts the entire weekend.

If it costs you your peace, it is too expensive.
