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Thanksgiving 2018

4Steps's picture

Thanksgiving In Chicago was great with my side of the family. Sks seemed to have enjoyed themselves very much as well. Of course, there always has to be some kind of an argument or heated discussion. Happened in line at one of the skyscrapers and then again in route back home. This time he let oldest SK decide what time we will stop for breakfast and where lmao...I’m so mad right now. She said she has things to do and wants to hurry and get home. Little girl...we all have things to do when we get home and you’re not the mom...deposit goes on my own place tomorrow morning. That’s it! 


Chmmy's picture

The whole world revolves around skids. I hope you enjoy having your own place. My husband & younger skids miss me when I take off and stay away from the house. Havent slept at home since Wednesday

4Steps's picture

Well I am not going to let a child dictate my life. Not for anyone. He just does whatever they say. Spoiled...has nothing to do with being “step kids”. I’m already enjoying it from my mind. Can not wait to get back to the house so I can leave. 

Chmmy's picture

Are you really going to leave? How long have you been married? Do have children together?

Ive been making excuses to stay away from my house. Either spend the night at my parents or come home after 8pm & get ready for bed. I have no children with him so i can stay away with no guilt

4Steps's picture

Yes I’m really doing it. We have no kids together. Honestly have no role in the House except to help pay a couple of utilities. I’m good on that. I have tried to think of reasons to stay but the way I am treated especially around my SKs is unacceptable and makes no sense to me. 

Harry's picture

You must have a heart to heart talk with DH.  He is putting SK before you. You are the one who works , cooks and SK do and get anything they want.  You must come first.!!! SK come second.  You and DH controls the house and what is or is not done.  SD do have a voice but just a voice in it.  

Unless you come to sometype terms with DH, You either have to leave, or stay and get walked on and over 

4Steps's picture

We’ve already had the “heart to heart”. Always turns into a screaming match. Not doing this to myself anymore. I love him but I love me more.