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Please Wipe Feet Here...

areyoukiddingme's picture

This is what DH should have written om his forehead. This saddens me but I have learned after trying to help a number of times and been pushed away because what I was saying could not be accepted. I can only pray and hope that some day, before its too late, it will all dawn on DH.

Yesterday, DH was finishing up our taxes in his office. SD16 comes out of her room, steps into the office with a demand....
SD: Dad, I emailed you something that I need for you to print me.
DH: I'm busy right now. You can ho downstairs and print it.
SD: But I just emailed it to you. GUAH, I don't understand... WHATEVER, THANKS FOR THE HELP. (snotty/whimsy voice) SLAM of the bedroom door.

At this point, after whitnedsing this firsthand, I was thinking....Woo Hoo, Go DH!

So DH finishes off our taxes and goes down to he family computer to print them. I yelled down to let him know dinner was about ready. His response, "Ill be up in a sec, I have to print this thing out for SD."


So today at the dinner table DH says something about transferring our bank accounts to a bigger bank that is national for.when we move in a year or so after SD graduates high school. My BD lives where we are moving.

So SD has a fit about us moving and says.that shes sick of hearing about it because shes mad that we are waiting for her to graduate. So she starts her pouty whiney voice talking about how its not fair, because we wont be in the same town as BM when she comes home for breaks. She runs off to her room crying as if the world was ending. DH tried to go and talk to her and ended op making all of these promises about her having her own room, etc. F... that! If I had my way, I wouldn't be here to see a disrespectful, snotty, self absorbed child graduate when I have my own BD11 waiting for me to come and see her through school. Its funny because SD flat out told DH that she knew I wanted to move now. Its a good thing shes observant.