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asgoodasitgets's Blog

The double-standard never stops, does it?

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My last blog was over Christmas. BM had refused to meet DH at the CO'd spot to pick up SD6 on Christmas Eve because DH had "broken" their agreement by picking SD up at school the previous Friday because she was sick. DH actually caught some flack from some of the members here because he had picked up his sick daughter from school (even though it was the best possible choice for all concerned).

Is this weird...or is it just me?

asgoodasitgets's picture

Came home Friday night and there was a note in BM's handwriting on my coffee table. DH was putting SD to bed so I picked it up and read it. It was the Serenity Prayer. Later that night, I asked DH about it. He said that SD was feeling anxious (she gets nervous/anxious A LOT to the point of feeling sick or not being able to sleep. Possibly an anxiety disorder?) so BM gave her the prayer to read when she felt that way.

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's back to court we go..... (sorry, long)

asgoodasitgets's picture

My last blog was about BM continuing to visit my DH at his business and his unwillingness to do anything about it. My final word on the matter to him was that he needed to write an e-mail to her stating that these visits were inappropriate and needed to stop. I wanted to see the email and watch him send it to be sure he did so. I also wanted to see it to be sure it wasn't full of crap like "my wife said..." or "your visits make my wife uncomfortable....". Finally, we are still waiting on her to sign the CO that was read into the court record last January.

BM is back at it...and I am at my wit's end

asgoodasitgets's picture

Hi everyone. Haven't posted in a while. I've tried a few times but blogs haven't been posting and I end up even more frustrated.

Anyway, you may remember that BM had begun "visiting" DH at his business soon after her last relationship ended. DH and I had a huge argument about it and he promised that he would put a stop to it. That was in September. Since then, things have been fairly quiet other than the usual BM power plays like manipulating the CO, not returning SD6's belongings to us, inviting my husband trick or treating, etc.

Another pathetic attempt by BM to manipulate, control, push boundaries...

asgoodasitgets's picture

DH forwards an email from BM to me yesterday afternoon:

"Since you had SD last year for Halloween, it would only be fair if I had her this year. Especially taking into account that you haven't signed our agreement since June which would have cleared this issue up. Our proposed time was X to X every other year. Again, since you had last year, this year would be mine. That's just fair. You can come with if you'd like :)"

Is BM stupid or evil?

asgoodasitgets's picture

SD6 came over this past weekend. She knew BM was moving and that she'd be going to her new home after school today.

On Saturday, DH had her call BM. Apparently, BM told her that her fish had died during the move and BM had flushed them. SD was pretty upset. She has been wanting a pet of her own for years and was soooo excited when BM got her a tank and 4 fish for her b - day a couple months ago.

Finally found out the story behind BM's break-up with her BF

asgoodasitgets's picture

And it's a doozy. Actually, how DH found out is the best part.

You can see my old blogs for the whole story but basically, BM called DH a couple of weeks ago to inform him that she had broken up with BF and would be moving into a new apt. with SD. Since then she has been sending emails, calling and visiting my DH at his business.

Can't even find a decent pic of BM!

asgoodasitgets's picture

Broken.lost's post got me to thinking. I soooo would love to post a pic of BM here. I just think it would put a whole new perspective on things if we all got to see each other's BM's. I am just so afraid that someone somewhere on this site would recognize her and I don't want to open Pandora's box. I mean, what's the point of an anonymous site if you expose yourself via BM's pic?
