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Already unhappy and they aren't even here for the weekend yet!!

baseballgirly's picture

Today is Tuesday. I've already been brooding since yesterday just wondering about how selfish my CLs kids will be this weekend. They want all of the attention... they want to always do things that cost money... they don't clean up after themselves and I hate when they come over. They aren't necessarily bad kids. The crap that pisses me off is probably perfectly normal. But, it's not normal in MY life. I don't like messes. I don't like kids needing to be entertained. I don't like whinning and crying and they do both. They are gross and dress sloppy and eat too much.

I just plain ol' don't like having them around.

Does anyone else consider renting a hotel room for themselves on the weekends the skids come??


Kes's picture

Oh yes, have definitely considered that, but figure that I would probably sleep just as bad in a hotel room as I would at home with SDs banging the bathroom door till 2am. Why do their bladders seem to act up so much after midnight?
Your SKIDS sound a good bit younger than mine, but I went through the constant entertainment phase for years and years, and what a royal pain it was! Mind you, they are still very high maintenance, and demand a LOT of entertaining even now when they are 16 and 14. My bio daughters used to entertain themselves by playing with other kids in the neighbourhood, going out on their cycles, etc,even doing their homework - no hope of SDs doing that, OH NO. They have to go to rock concerts and to London to do shopping all the time at DH's extra expense of course. Sympathise with you, SKIDS weekends can be the pits. Luckily the BM is taking them to yet another gig somewhere on Saturday night, so we get an unexpected SD-free night - yippee! Doesn't happen often.

starfish's picture

me, too! me, too!!

"I despise the thought of DH's jerks in our home."

but "jerks" is putting it nicely. my ags are now affectionatel;y referred to as:

PissPants (PP)
Liar, Thief, Whore In Training (WIT)

but thankfully after tonight, i don't have to see either brat for 6 days...

tryingtobeglynda's picture

I feel that way and my SC will be here Thursday. I couldn't go to a hotel because I'd have to take my two with me. That's the whole problem, two kids come in and upset an entire house and then go on their merry way when it's done; kind of like a tornado. Mine are freaks when it comes to eating so we've (I) had to change our entire meal structure and can't really eat on the fly anymore. They can't adapt and function like normal little kids. It's like a god damn summer camp for them every visit, meanwhile it turns my house upside down and is really affecting my marriage. I love my husband. I do not love his kids.

Goincrazy40's picture

Oh baseballgirly, I could have written your post word for word!

The bad thing is, my FDH is out of town all week, so when he comes home, the Skids come with him! If I leave, I don't see him either! Although considering the way he gives in to their every whim, sometimes I don't care to be here for DisneyDaddyLand.

Because you know, if he says the forbidden word "NO" to either one of them, they might not like him anymore.
