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As a divorced BM... Just hear me out

Biomomof2's picture

At 20 I started dating BF. We got married in 2001.. I was 21...he was 31 divorced with a kid and a step kid.
I heated all this stories about her, a lot of what I read here. I fell for a lot of it
I divorced him (funny we both left him at the same age!!!)
I started to see things a little differently
She is money hungry... Never modified CS in 15 yrs. never took him to court over the fact that he NEVER covered uninsured costs. He never handled any of it.. BM and I did
She is feeding my dd full of crap... BF saw his DD summers only, would go months without calls. Visits got shorter and shorter. When my DD was 6 months old the verbal abuse and emotional abuse started. He did the same to his oDD.
The list is long. I believed my exDH because that was in my best interest
Now, my kids... He has never taken them to any doc appointment.. Never made one. DD was 6 and BS was 4 when I left.. Same dentist, doctor, eye doc, since DD was 2... BF couldn't even tell you who they are. It is the reason I was given full legal.
Talk to his friends or listen in court..... I keep this information from him.. It's all my fault.
Yeh, I have signed a form at school so they will talk to BF... He never has called.
I have signed a form for him to talk to the therapist, he won't call
I have signed a form at each doctors office, he won't call
Instead he tried to get the courts to make me tell him everything
Look, as a CP BM I have to put in the time to call all of these places... I do not have a secretary. Why does BF expect me to be his?? He has 25 days a month with no kids, he has no GF or wife, he's a full time student since he retired... But I should be his secretary or im keeping information????
Sorry don't think so.
I take kids to school everyday and always have
I am the one that knows their clothes sizes.. Interests... Blah blah blah
And BF is again $6000 in arrears.. Refuses to stop talking about me to the kids.. Refuses to be apart of the kids life outside his house.
I just found out if DD has homework due on Monday and she is at her BFs for the weekend she makes arrangements on her own with the teacher to turn it in on Tuesday as She refuses to do HW at BF. She told me she tried and he just yells.
He tried to ground her for her grades. She has an IEP and has made so much progress in the last year. She has a 3.0 right now. But not good enough.. And he has never bothered to be at an IEP meeting or get copies. This started before I left.
When the NCP is so far out of the bios real life and has never shown a real interest.. I will admit I would be controlling if he got with a woman that stayed and all of a sudden put on an act.
Most BMs on here are abusive or neglectful.. And that is NOT what I'm talking about. But as the BM that has to undo disney dads bull come Monday.. I get it.
If we SM are frustrated with the lack of rules and consequences for the perfect skids... How do we think BM feels to get them back???
Let me give you an example... BS is homeschooled.. He is reading Harry Potter. On Fridays if he has finished a book he gets a movie. BF had them this past Tuesday. Both BS and DD alone told me BF told dS those are your moms rules.. This is not your moms house, let's watch the next movie.
BF hates Marvel... He has been a DC guy forever.. Told both kids... Well your mom doesn't let you watch the movies so you can here. He is "fun" dad with a side of emotional abuse. (Not going just of bios... I believe DS has played the game but he is abusive I have a permanent RO against him). Any rule they have here... Out the window at dads simply because. No pg13 movies for 6 yr olds... That's your mom stupid rule, let's watch them. Soda on a rare occasion..(doesn't matter DS is OCD/ADHD) you can have all the Dr Pepper and sweet tea you want .. In fact I'm going to send you both home with 2 cans of each!!!!
Then my house is hell for 2 days while I "fix" DS9.. DD is not as bad, she is older and knows me very well. Plus BF has turned DS into his BFF who runs the house. It's no wonder my DD told me dad can't keep a GF.
Anyways.. My point... There is another side. ExSD's BM is an actual friend now. ExSD came to visit her brother and sister for a week and stayed with me. Before... There were sides. Now there is only life. BS and DD deserve to know their sister as long as the relationship is healthy.. OH, and BF disowned her for calling out his BS. She showed me the whole text conversation.


zerostepdrama's picture

I agree with some of this.

I am sure that my Ex has said "bad" stuff about me that wasnt true, just to make himself look good. At the beginning he used any time I didnt agree with him or give him what I want- to make me out to be "that BM".

When BS comes home from his dad's, I def. have to remind him of the rules. It's all fun and games at his dad's. In a way I am thankful he doesnt go there that much. Honestly when he was seeing his dad more, his behavior was worse.

Biomomof2's picture

During the first custody fight BF didn't respond for 6 months... Let it go to default, then jumped in with soldier/sailor act (even though he was not deployed) got it all dragged out for a total of 26 months.
The kids therapist met with Bf to have both sides of the story, he walked out and told me I was lucky I left. BF is the text book case of a NPD and the therapist is 99% sure he is bi-polar. In a meeting about the children I went from "the love of his life" to the biggest whore he has ever met (he cheated I did not) in a 5 minute time frame. Has taken no personal accountability.. BF words are even scarey ... " I stole his wife and children from him" hmmmmm... I'm a person not just a title. How can I steal his wife if I'm his wife?!?!? Seriously WTF?!?!?

Biomomof2's picture

My ex only talks crap about me.. ALL the time. My CO has been modified 4 times about to go back to court... Each time has been to remove contact with ex and I.. Remove the kids from his mouth.. Add more restrictions.
As I stated in the OP... What I am saying doesn't apply to the BMs that are abusive or neglectful... But the ones like most BM/SMs here. I have been the "default" parent since birth and BF likes to do the opposite of any rule I have just because it's my rule.

Disneyfan's picture

This is so true.

Many men will paint their ex-wives as monsters. Yet they were in love with, married and had children with those monsters. Some of those men are only divorced because the wife ended the marriage. Had they not walked away, many of those men would still be living happily ever after with the "monsters".

Biomomof2's picture

I was trapped in my marriage with BF. And he was abusive. I really want to point out, I made sure to state this doesn't apply to the abusive/neglectful Bios BUT BF will not move on. Most of what he does is opposite of my rules and will tell bios my house, not your moms so my rules. Well, yes, but when my rules are pretty normal parent rules .. Limited caffeine for the OCD/ADHD BS, no PG13 movies because DD and BS are just now 11&9... Homework first, be respectful. At BFs they both get to do whatever they want.
Now there are 2 sides to every story.. And then the truth.
With BF.. He makes this all about win/lose or who they "like" more. The way I see it is as it as been with BF sh$t talking about DH, myself.. Even my brother ... With BF going off on the kids, the threats of him taking them and movin away from mom (all said to them) the only "losers" are our bios. BS feels he must make BF "happy" to keep mom safe. That is HORRIBLE no matter why.

Evil stepmonster's picture

It's funny huh, we're the bitch that ruined the relationship yet they wouldn't give us a divorce until they couldn't push it back any longer. And women are the ones considered unphathomable. lol

Evil stepmonster's picture

I see where you're coming from Biomom. I too am a BM. But my opinion of my skids BM didn't come from my DH. I made them after meeting them, listening to them talk, having to have police come and remove Inbred from my work place because she was causing a scene. Sometimes the BM's are truely crazy and want to turn the kids against their father for the sake of hurting their ex at eh expense of their kids.
I'm sorry you're on the recieving end of a horrible BF.

Biomomof2's picture

Thanks for the last part!!!
My only wish for my bios at this point is for a healthy relationship with BF. Which I don't see happening. If he was just a Disney dad, I could at least relax while they were there.
But he is an emotionally abusive ass so it is sooo stressful knowing they are there. I'm 24/7 on "mom" duty. I wish I had a safe outlet with BF. I wish I could just have them go hang with dad when mom needs a break.
But put wish in one hand and ....

Biomomof2's picture

Oh, I get making up our own minds on facts we see. That wasn't really the point though.
I know I use to think exSD BM was a bitch...why?? I don't even really know. But once she saw I was not going to just protect BF and I would make my own mind up... She is completely different.
Not really sure if she dropped defenses, if I did or if we could finally stop "fighting" just because of BF. But she is NOT who I thought she was.

Sports Fan's picture

So true Evil. I am a BM as well. My opinion of skids BM is directly from her. I've seen her emails, which is the only way her and DH are allowed to communicate other than emergencies. I've seen her behavior first hand. I was at the court house. I know for a fact she's crazy. I've heard her PAS the skids.

My ExH is a Disney Dad. My only relief is that he doesn't see BS that much so his effect is limited.

Biomomof2's picture

Oh trust me, I made sure to add that many BMs on HERE are abusive/neglectful but the SMs that are also BMs on here are not. We as a whole seem to forget that.
Looking back BF was always the problem in my situation. It was never BM or exSD.

FTMandSM's picture

There are two sides to every story. I have seen BM and her craziness. And since SD is getting older, she is picking up on more and more. Every situation is different. I don't agree with everything my FDH did and he knows too. I don't always side with him. I look at what is logical not at sides. If I think my FDH is wrong about something, I will let him know, but the decision is up to him on how he handles things.

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

At this point IDK if I believe half the shit mine said about BM

I do still dislike her though because she was deplorable to me in the beginning and I've been mad at AH for years for letting her get away with it and insisting on me and kids going to places where they are

BM SD and the whole bunch of their friends and family are just plain toxic and my kids and I want nothing to do with them anymore

I used to wonder if BM was just bitter about DH and never getting back with him after she ran off

She used to tell SD her & dad would be together if not for me

I never even talked to DH until some mo ths after their D was final

I've point blank said I'm outta here if you think it'll be better back there be my guest

Several times

Never happened

So how is it my fault?

Maybe she's bitter

She could just think I'm stupid for still being here

She could just be a bitch

Hell, IDK

Sports Fan's picture

I think it has helped DH and I that I am both a SM and BM. I can sometimes understand where his BM is coming from. It's rare but every blue moon she actually has a valid point. Unfortunately, he also sees how I deal with my exH and hates that it is so easy compared to his dealings with BM. My exH is a bit of a Disney Dad but it is limited by his lack of finances and limited time with BS. We can actually talk and have a conversation though. DH and BM haven't had an actual conversation in years. Court ordered email arguing-nothing like it.