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BlueberrysBaby's Blog

I quit

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Well, my friends. I soon won't be a step anymore.

DH, who's traveling for business as usual, has all but ignored me the last few days until this afternoon he was suddenly super sweet and sending me messages and actually CALLED me tonight despite the high international rate... turns out he just wanted me to make arrangements for delinquent SD to get a plane ticket to her uncle's house and charge it to my card.

Am I wrong to not want BM writing to me?

BlueberrysBaby's picture

I got an email from BM the other day thanking me for taking care of some business and for the great time SS 15 had at Christmas with me and the DH - she went on & on about how he still talks about it every day, blah blah blah.

But seeing her name in my inbox made my skin crawl! It may as well have said, "You've got mail! From: Satan, Lord of Darkness Re: Your Eternal Damnation Smile "

Why is the DH such a COWARD when it comes to his ex???

BlueberrysBaby's picture

I have tried time and time again in the two years my husband and I have been together to get him to step down his ex. He is oblivious to the fact that she manipulates him, that she uses her kids to keep up a relationship with him (after the constant phone calls that they claim are all about the kids, he suddenly has all kinds of new info about her personal & work life - even if she's just yammering, why does he listen?).