bluehighlighter's Blog
i don't know
i really don't care for mean comments to blogs, unless it's some helpful insight or helpful criticism I start to wonder why people are even commenting at all.
the point is I don't know about others but I'm at my lowest when I come here to blog or write something
it feels like a desperate attempt to seek out human life that can in some way relate
anyway that being said
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bm leaving again one is surprised
So BM crazy crazy BM that doesn't even really know her child since she left him when he was two... but this year filed to get full custody and has had forced visitation.
She is leaving to go back across the country for 6 months starting in April. Has she told her child, SS8? NOPE she finally told her mother who told my SO.
As much as I don't like BMs craziness she's how we have gotten breaks from full time parenting. My SO never gets babysitters we have to wait on someone to ask him over for a sleep over.
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Disengaged from all bc tired weird results
Thursday and Friday I actually got quality time w my SO so the rest of the weekend I wasn't starved for it. Saturday we slept in a little then later in the day went over to a neighbors house some friends he's had since college. They have two kids SS8 plays with. We ended up staying and having dinner.
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Today was off to a good start and then we went to couples counseling. I'm going back to the same person next week alone then the following week again together. It was somewhat painful to listen to SO gloat about his son in counseling. Counselor was trying to get him to remember anytime he had been rejected by his son and how that felt. Etc. that we should always try to start from a place of compassion for the other person when things are brought up that might cause an argument.
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still doing ok fingers crossed
Last night was a Thursday so we are trying to stick to our recent "Thursday's couple night starts at 7pm" and child reads to himself and puts himself to bed. Tuesdays he gets dad to read to him from 7 til 8 - trade off.
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finally some attention and respect
Good lord,
I might regret this later but FINALLY a week where SS8 is asked to respect me and acknowledge me by saying "thank yous" etc. Also only once over the weekend did SO let SS8 act like he's 3. Then when I rolled my eyes to myself he ignored and then confronted his childish bullshit. I felt like we were a couple all week and weekend instead of watching the two be a couple of their own with me just along for the ride of irritation.
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