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Booboobear's Blog

Respect vs. Being nice?

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when referring to skids and stepparents, why do we always say "you don't have to like stepparent, but you do have to respect stepparent";  "respect has to be earned..."; "he/she doesn't respect me/he/ her/ us".      

Why are we not calling it what it is, NOT BEING NICE.    for instance,  skid : "I HATE HER!, SHES NOT MY MOM!"   Bio parent or stepparent:  "why are you not being nice?"; "you don't have to ...... , but you have to be nice!"

He He He- happy!

Booboobear's picture

IMMM BACCCCKKKKK!   my laptop broke early june and I just got it back from Apple store!.... whoooo hooo!  Im tired of being silenced - ive been around but unable to reply cause of passwords were in my broken laptop!

I had some points to make on some posts, but I can't remember what I wanted to say.
