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Discovery of the narcissistic SSs

bostonstepmonster3's picture

Have been doing much research on narcissistic behavior and also other disorders to try to put together the pieces as to why I've received the treatment I have over the years. Well, very certain the adult SS's have the classic signs of a narcissis. The SDs have their own neurosis but the hatred, lack of empathy, entitlement, glorifying their egos when they are truly ignorant, brashness, violent behavior and targeting me shows that the SS's have real issues. For years I have been beating myself up because of their tras talk and slander that they convinced themselves is reality and internalized it. The question is, how do I get their dad to see the light?


paradoxsmom's picture

I could be wrong, however you don't try to get dad to see the light. If he sees it on his own that is one thing, but trying to show him how his (to him) amazing children are really awful could put a wedge in your relationship. In the same token you have the right to demand respect and DH needs to demand that you be respected as well. I think going that direction would be the best. I would have to agree with you that they do sound like narcissistic people.

bostonstepmonster3's picture

Yes, StepAside, I have read the RA blog awhile ago when i was under a different name. I erased my other profile because I got nervous. Your info opened my eyes alot and led me to research more. I just can't believe how much I beat myself up when i was dealing with these personality types. Of course they weren't going to like me, they have hearts of stone. Thanks for all you do, StepAside, your knowledge has been a godsend to me and others!