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50/50 custody and moving

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SS11 slipped and said something to DH and I about him moving in 10 days. Right now they have 50/50 custody with a 5/2/2/5 schedule. SS would change school districts, and move almost 60 miles away. 

There is nothing in the CO about moving. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Do you have any suggestions? We plan on consulting a lawyer tomorrow.


I think my DH is a Disney Dad

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I now that sounds silly, he either is or he isn't, but it's not 100% clear, and it's not all the time. A couple of things have brought this to light, first; DH has always had 50/50 custody, but in the beginning we had SS11 every weekend, so we were always out and about doing things, very rarely were we on a strict time schedule like you would be if you had to get to work or school. About 6 months ago we changed to 50/50 schedule to a 5/2/2/5 which we all like much better, but it has brought up some issues. I also just spent 2 weeks with DH and SS on vacation.

Fired again......

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SS11 informed me this morning that BM was fired from another job!!!

Of course it isn't her fault.....apparently she had a car accident, rolled her car and had a concussion, and couldn't work, so they fired her. Very strange because her car looks fine, you would think there would be some damage if it was rolled....

This is her third job in 7 months to be fired from, now she has NO income except CS......I'm stressing right now, I hope this will not cause CS to be increased.......ugh....


DH having a hard time accepting BM new BF in sons life

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I knew this day would come, DH has been divorced previously and has two children from that marriage, within a year after his divorce from BM1 he had full custody of his two sons and she was not involved at all, she suffers from severe mental illness which presented in adulthood. With that being said he never had to "share" his children with another father figure. BM2 (our current HCBM) had 3 children from previous relationships when they got together, and then together they had one, SS11. So he has been a step-dad, but he has never had to deal with another man in his children's lives.

Kids deciding if/when they want to see the other parent

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I'm looking for advice or if anyone has had experiences with this.....DH and BM have 50/50 custody of SS11, and DH pays child support as well. BM is HC and if not a narcissist, has very strong narcissistic traits, SS11 is her Golden Child. Our households are VERY different, we are by no means perfect, but function much more as a family unit, we sit down for dinners together, play board games, go for walks and bike rides, etc. We tend to be more strict as well, SS has a bed time, we limit screen time, showers are a must, homework has to be completed before video games, etc.

Is anyone else just feeling blah?

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I am usually a pretty upbeat, positive person but lately I am just in a funk.......

I'm so tired of the snow and grey gloomy skies, it's Spring, where are the flowers and sunshine? It doesn't help that my office has no windows, it's like a cement dungeon. On top of that, I work in a school, tensions are high because of the fear of violence, and it is state testing week, so days are dragging. Everyone is being petty, and just looking for arguments.

I want him to stand up for himself

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Probably 3-4 weeks ago FH received a text from HCBM stating that she just wanted to let him know that her tax refund was being off-set to pay back her student loan debt or something to that effect. She incurred this debt while they were married, and this is the first year they have filed taxes since their divorce. Anyhow, she texted like 2 or 3 more times that day, about her taxes, FH ignored her.
