Coopers_Mommy's Blog
It's not rocket science!!
Ok so I knew the skids BM was dumb but I didn't realize she was brain dead! My SO has 50/50 custody with his ex. The schedule of days has been set by the court. It's a rotation that looks like this:
Parent 1 has the kids Monday & Tuesday, parent 2 gets them Wednesday & Thursday,kids go back to Parent 1 Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And we rotate! Parent 2 gets them Monday & Tuesday, Parent 1 gets them Wednesday & Thursday, kids go back to Parent 2 Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
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Skid Free Household This Week = HAPPINESS!!
Yes folks you read that title correctly - I'm skid free for the week!!! Jealous? I completely agree
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Weekend with the skids on the way...
Why is it, that I begin dreading the skids arrival shortly after they have just left our home to go back to BM? I seriously spend most of their visit counting down the time until they return home to their mother, only to spend the time they are with her, thinking about how soon they will (unfortunately) be coming back over here! It's terrible! LOL But I cannot help myself! It's just that when they are here, it feels like the house is turned upside down, the cupboards are raided, it's extremely loud all day, and overall things just plain suck!
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Let us give thanks....
Thank God the skids went back to BM today (even if it is for only 2 glorious days)
Thank God for the peace & quiet of a non-skid household for the next 2 days
Thank God for the alone time that I will get to have with SO and our baby boy for the next 2 days
Thank God for split custody orders
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Ahh the fun is almost over!
Is it just me or do the weekends w/o the skids go by way too quickly? It seems like on these weekends, there are a few hours taken out of each day and added to the weekends when the skids are here! 8 AM Monday morning just comes way to damn fast! And to make matters worse, the camp that SS11 attended 3 days per week just ended on Friday, which means I'm stuck with the brat! God I wish school was starting tomorrow!
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Are most 11 boys this annoying? LOL
Ok, so I am brand new to this sight. I must say that I am extremely happy and relieved that I found my way here though! Here is my story: I have been in a relationship for the past 2 years with my bf. We live together in the home that he purchased a few months after we met and decided that we were committed to taking the next step together. He has 2 sons from a previous marriage. One is 16 and the other 11. We also have 1 child together - an 8 month old son. Currently he shares 50/50 custody with his ex and the days of the week are split between our home and hers. Weekends are rotated.
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