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Crizzle's Blog

Will I ever be able to stand having them in my home?

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SD13 and SD16 used to live with their mother and visited us every other weekend. I didn't much mind them then. In fact, I had a pretty good relationship with them then. But they moved in with us 2 1/2 years ago and it has been pure hell. They lie and are two-faced. I can not stand having them here 24/7. I can't stand to look at them and I can't stand to talk to them. I have been disengaged for about a year now, but I still can't stand them being here. I only have two years to go and the oldest will be gone, but I still have almost 5 years before the other one is gone. :sick: UGH!!!

OT but this really pissed me off!

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Just saw this as someone's status on FB: "taking Kade to hospital. mom if you are on line meeet me there. he wont wake up." REALLY!?!?!?!? How the hell do you have time to put in a FB status if you have to take your kid to the hospital because he won't wake up??? What a dumbass!!! It wasn't sent via text or iPhone or anything like that. The woman stopped at her computer before taking her kid to the hospital to post it.

No Driver's Permit for SD15

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I posted last night about my SD15 being snotty to my kids when she doesn't think we can see or hear her. We have explained to her time and time again that that is not only disobedient, but dishonest. We have told her that acting one way in front of people and completely different when no one is looking is deceitful and shows a lack of integrity. We have warned her many times that this dishonest behavior could cause her to not be allowed her permit when she turns 16.

Punishment suggestions?

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So my SD15 or BMjr. as I like to call her is very sneaky. She acts all goody goody in front of everyone, but as soon as she thinks DH and I aren't looking or listening she gets snotty with my kids. I am fed up to my gills with this little sneaky, deceitful......girl. She did it again tonight while DH is at work. I told DH he had better lay down the law and straighten her out or we will have to find a way to keep the kids separated. And he knows by my saying "keep the kids separated" that he and I will have to separate.

What is my problem?

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I feel so lonely. I am a SAHM. BD is 8, BS is 5. My SD's live with us full time and they are 15 & 12. And there is no EOE away from them. Their mother has no visitation rights. My DH works a lot of hours too. He leaves at 5:15pm and can get off work anywhere from 2:45-6:30 a.m. Then he comes home and sleeps all day of course, gets up anywhere from 1:00-3:00 depending on what time he gets home. I am here all day with these kids. I am so LONELY. It seems like everyone has a life, but me, but I don't want to go do anything and I don't want people to come see me. So what's the deal?

Letter to SD's from BM

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BM has not seen the children since October '08. When she failed to show up for her second scheduled supervised visit with SD's then and never showed for the child support hearing the commissioner said not to allow her contact with the SD's. Christmas '09 she sends a card. We contacted the social worker who worked our case and told him what the commissioner had said and he said we didn't have to and shouldn't give it to them until she goes through the proper channels. So we didn't. She sent another one for Valentine's Day. We put it back with the other one.

Do any of you ever get tired

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of hearing "you knew he had kids, so you knew what you were getting into"? I am soooo sick of hearing this. No, I did not know what I was getting into. He only had every other weekend visitation when we got married and it wasn't so bad then. It was a lot easier. He didn't get custody of them until we had been married for four years. Now they live with us 24/7. Everyone says "think of how they feel." Blech. Doesn't anyone give a damn about how I feel? Does my sanity not matter because I am an adult? I mean really.

Went to the doctor today

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It was a new doctor for me and I really really liked her. She actually listened to me and talked to me like a human instead of a specimen. After all my talking and some tearing up, here's the conclusion of my visit: She said I have anxiety (I don't think anyone here would be shocked with that diagnosis) and she put me on Lexapro. I have a lot of irrational fears stemming from medical issues in my family. I also told her about the situation with the skids and how they were now living with us full time. She said, "that can feel like you are in hell" lmao.

Am I alone on this one? Why do I feel like this?

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My skids get on my nerves even when they aren't doing anything wrong. SD14 looks just like her ugly-ass mother and I know she can't help it, but it really really bugs me. I don't think it would bother me so bad if her mother were actually a good person. Of course I would never tell my SD or DH my feelings about this; there's no sense in hurting their feelings.

But it's also their mannerisms that drive me nuts.
