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Dads_Wife's Blog

SD Texted and Apologized?! WHAT?

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So its been over a year since FSD14 went NC with us to punish her dad for having a woman in his life. He stood his ground and never caved. Last night, FSD texted me, apologizing for her attitude and behavior towards me, and wants to fix things because she's tired of being mad. What?!!! Well, its the most she's spoken in a year and she 'seemed' genuine. FDH thinks shes starting to set up to ask for a car in a year and a half, lol. We will see with that, but it does feel like some weight has been lifted.

FSD13 Wishes Me Harm

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So it has come out that FSD13 that has gone no contact has been caught saying she hopes I die or she would be thrilled if I was injured or brain dead (strangley specific). I found out through a trustworthy third party and I'm not sure if I should even mention it to FDH right now. She barely speaks to him (better than what it used to be) and I'm concerned I'll be labelled as, 'having it our for her' if I do bring it up and inform him. It was a face to face conversation so I would have to schedule some kind of strange meet to have this person tell FDH directly I suppose. 

Came for Gifts - Exit Stage Left

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So unforunately I was correct. StbSD13 showed up for 40 minutes to get her gifts and left. Her father was there for three days and that was the only time she bothered to show up. He did force her to call me and say thank you for the gifts, which was something new - it made me happy and seen. I stayed home alone and had Christmas with the doggies. It was quiet and I watched A Christmas Story five times with a bottle of champagne. Today is his birthday, so I planned him a special dinner to try to make up for some of his angst.

