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DaniSanti83's picture

Had a birthday party for the grandbaby. All was well except BM as usual loud and the center of attention in my opinion being obnoxious as usual in the middle of the living room loud mouth and hollering orders everyone was fine with it but she has always loved being noticed...she went and bought an entire new outfit, shoes, nails and hair done for a 2 year old's party as we all were told to dress casual. As the party went on she was tracking my DH every move for instance he sits on the couch she sits literally in the floor in front of him WTH then he moves to the kitchen to stand and she goes and sits directly behind him. He then moves sits in the floor by me to put toys together and she again goes and sits in front of him taking pictures having it look like she is taking pictures of the grand baby. We are used to her being a creeper and always taking pictures of him anywhere we are and she is. The kids leaked out she still makes " family" albums of them. I was done with it after 2 hours and was ready to go. Any suggestions what I could say or do when she acts this way without causing an unnessary scene since we only have to deal with her for grandbabies birthdays these days?? 


tog redux's picture

I personally wouldn't even go to the parties.  Babies don't need parties, and I don't need BM in my life.

AlwaysSmiling's picture

I think this is the most simple & reasonable solution. Don't go where you know she will be. 

I've had to make lots of boundaries due to my SO's exwife's intrusiveness. I've even gone so far as to not be friends on social media with anyone who is also her friend. That means that I can't be friends with any ANY of my SO's family because she is friends with them all. Oh well- their loss. 

Monkeysee's picture

Just make sure to constantly be by your DH’s side. That way you’ll be in any pics she tries to use for her ‘family’ albums Wink

lieutenant_dad's picture

Snuggle up next to DH, put your arm around him, and say, "smile for BM's picture, sweetie!"

When he gets up to walk away, start up some non-sensical conversation with BM so she either has to walk away from you and be rude, or politely listen until DH comes back.

Sit right next to her every time she sita in front of him. Be her shadow.

You can always take the route of ignoring her and focusing solely on DH when he is around you.

Kill her with kindness and blissful ignorance. She'll either snap and make herself look a fool, or you'll ruin her fun. For the few times a year you do it, it would be worth it.

dysfunctionally_blended's picture

I am not looking forward to this, at all. Right now everything is separate, for this exact reason. When skids are older and there are combined parties... Ugh!

Just another reason to move far far away...