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Dedicated sDad's Blog

The Name of the Father

Dedicated sDad's picture

As everyone knows, stepparents are mediocre figures who can only hope to be, at the very best, second rate child care assistants. You must be naïve if you think a stepparent can have authority and deranged to believe that they don’t have to put up with verbal abuse (and sometimes physical) from their stepchildren, all for the sake of keeping the peace with their partners.

I would love some feedback on this...

Dedicated sDad's picture

It is still early days and I am all to aware that I can only write about my own expereinces and that many of you out there are in very different circumstances. With this in mind, I am also looking for people to write content, comment etc.

There are contact details on the site if anyone has an interest and something they want to write an article about.

I would love your thoughts, comments and if nothing else, just have a visit.