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Dee's Blog

I am struggling...

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I feel like such a monster sometimes. My SD has been with her BM for the past few weekends (we only have her for the weekends) due to extracurricular activities and DH work schedule and I have enjoyed not having her here. Now we have her this weekend (Christmas weekend) and I am resenting it. I had to play off my bad mood to having sinus problems / headache because I am ashamed to admit I am resentful of a 6 yo. It would upset my DH because he understandedly loves his daughter.

This woman drives me insane!!!

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This may seem like such a minor thing, but this is just one in a long line of things the BM does that gets on my last nerve. The SD lives with her Mom during the week and with us each weekend. The SD had her school pictures taken and we just got our copies. MY GOD!! I think the BM just let her roll out of bed and throw some clothes on and sent her off to school. She obviously DID NOT have her brush her hair - it was sticking out in ten different directions. So my BF and I decided we're taking the SD to Sear's to get another picture taken, this one is SO bad.

Need advice on telling SD about unknown Bio Father

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This is sort of complicated, so bear with me. My BF's ex-wife was unfaithful during their marriage and became pregnant with another man's child. My BF did not discover this was not his biological child until two years after the child was born. Because of this and other issues a divorce shortly followed. My BF has continued to accept the daughter as his own. Recently the bio father has tracked down my BF's ex-wife and has expressed interest in meeting/contacting the daughter (who is now 6). From what we know, the bio father could ask/demand parental rights, if he chooses to.

How can I get over the resentment?

Dee's picture

My BF and I have been together for 18 months. We recently bought a house together and are extremely happy. The fly in the ointment is his ex. Her life is basically a train wreck and she is constantly making poor life decisions, which because of a 5 year old SD frequently ends us involving us too. Their 5 year old daughter is what forces us all to tolerate each other (who BTW is not his biological child, my BF found out 2 years after she was born - a whole nother long story).
