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dragon63's picture

I was informed tonight that my grandson says that I told him if he did not straighten up and act better to his teacher that I would rip his face off and feed it to the birds! OMG! SERIOUSLY!!!!! Supposedly, he had a bad dream and told his mom, SD, that a bird took off with his face and the reason for the dream was that I told him that! Wow! The child got into trouble and all I said was I was disappointed and he needed to apologize to the teacher. Here is one big reason I got upset. I say, well you took up for me right to my husband (DH - dad to SD). He says, well he didn't hear what I told grandson! Wow! I told him it really hurt my feelings that he would even entertain the idea that I would even remotely say something like that. I said the child had a bad dream and somehow my name got put into the pot because it usually does when it is something negative - especially regarding the grandsons. Oh - we had just gone on a vaca with one of our other children and their family and our grandsons and my husband and our two sons had just gotten back from a boys only trip. Now mind you, SD could not go on any of these trips because she cannot miss work because she does not get paid of misses, but we took her two sons and she got 5 days with no children - so THAT is a vaca in itself. All I hear is how she is offended that I post pics of the vacas on FB and it reminds her of her childhood of being left out of vacas as a child. There was only once she was left out and she was an ADULT! If she ever was left out any other time, it was by HER choice never ours. I talked to DH and told him that it really hurts me that he does not take up for me and that I would greatly appreciate it if he would step up to the plate and do that from this day on. He thinks he does. I told him he does not and the important thing is that I feel he does not. I went and purchased school supplies for the grandsons because SD has no money. She would not give me the list to purchase the supplies so I went online and found what I could that was needed from two different sites and purchased supplies. Did she say thank you? No. All she said to me was this is not everything on the list I have at home. Now I will have to get more things. I say, well at least I made a dent into your list and saved some money for you, but I am done shopping. How ungrateful! My grandsons were happy, but not her. I wanted to slap her. I told my husband that one day soon I am going to blow and when I do, it is not going to be pretty. I really feel like having him, her and myself and maybe one other person that knows a lot about the situation go with us and have a meeting and talk. I feel like she needs to know how I feel and get things out there, but one time a long, long time ago she did this and my husband said he would have my back cause I did something for that he wanted me to do and then he totally bailed on me. I just feel like since he left his wife and daughter and filed for the divorce that he feels guilty still towards his daughter. He says no, but he acts like he does. I don't know how he cannot carry a little guilt. That is only human nature. If he were to admit it, he might be able to quit being such an enabler. Oh, I don't know. I appreciate this forum to be able to vent cause if I could not, I swear I would blow a gasket. Thank you for listening.


Jsmom's picture

Stop doing a damn thing for the ungrateful brat. You are way nicer than you should be. Read Stepmonster and disengage from her and your grandkids, until they can be nicer to you....