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Father's Day

dragon63's picture

:jawdrop: Well after my husband and I discuss what he wants to do for Father's Day and then he leaves for work, I send out a text to our 3 mutual children and to SD to let them know what he wants and to see if this will work for them. Our three children respond with they love the idea and then comes the SD's response which is - "I have already talked to Daddy and I don't understand why it is now being planned for Saturday when he said for me to come over on Sunday after church since he would already have the boys (her sons-our grandsons - no, wait, she says they are HIS grandsons). She says she has already made plans for Saturday. Mind you, my text says trying to find out what would be best. My husband (her father) didn't say anything about there being plans for Sunday already. UGH! So, I send out a text back to everyone including my husband and say two say good, one is a maybe and one is a no (her)- and then her other text came through which said she would see if she could change plans. I sent her a private text which said ok. Sorry our texts must have crossed. Self explanatory - or I thought. Nope. I get a text back which said, from now on I will only deal with my Daddy. You are rude!

Wow. I didn't respond. I did text my husband and simply stated that I am so done after 32 years of being treated like this by so many on that side of the family and always having to suck it up, it is time he tell her that she needs to treat me with respect.

I think from now on, we can have our own family things and not invite her. I know that really sounds rude, but the other three children are tired of her rudeness and how she is towards me and them as well. When she comes over to any of our homes, she does not watch her own boys, we - my husband and I are left to be in charge.

Mind you, when she needs to work on the weekends I am the one she contacts for a sitter. I love spending the time with my grandsons and look at it as just that - time with them. At first I want to say absolutely not! No way bitch! That is not right and that is really not me. However, how many times do I need to just rollover and take it? Should hubby have a "talk" with her and let her know that she needs to have respect for me and that it was a simple miscommunication or just leave it alone? I quit writing a long time ago about anything on her facebook any comments positive or anything because it always got turned around. I also quit putting anything on there about the grandsons because it would be pointed out they are not my grandsons. So, I just talk about my grandchildren. Two grandsons and one granddaughter. I have NEVER made any distinction between children or grandchildren - she has. The only time I have is when some people who have only seen me with 3 children question me, I politely say, she is my 4th child by marriage, but I certainly consider her MY child just as the rest and have said so in front of her. I cannot pretend this is easy for someone in her position. I am not from divorced parents and do not know the heartache it can bring and all the emotions. Neither of her parents raised her. Her maternal grandmother raised her. Mom didn't want her and at the time my husband was into drugs and drank a lot. He got his life together after being divorced for 2.5 years and never went back to that life. She is almost 36 years old and has a major grudge against her mother for sure. She has a half sister with her mom and her mother caters to that daughter and that grandson, but not my SD and her sons. Sad Okay, I feel better. Thank you for letting me vent once again. Whew!


instantfamily's picture

First of all if she's calling him "daddy" at 36, I think she has some major "daddy" issues! ew. :sick: