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dragon63's Blog

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I was informed tonight that my grandson says that I told him if he did not straighten up and act better to his teacher that I would rip his face off and feed it to the birds! OMG! SERIOUSLY!!!!! Supposedly, he had a bad dream and told his mom, SD, that a bird took off with his face and the reason for the dream was that I told him that! Wow! The child got into trouble and all I said was I was disappointed and he needed to apologize to the teacher. Here is one big reason I got upset. I say, well you took up for me right to my husband (DH - dad to SD).

Father's Day

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:jawdrop: Well after my husband and I discuss what he wants to do for Father's Day and then he leaves for work, I send out a text to our 3 mutual children and to SD to let them know what he wants and to see if this will work for them. Our three children respond with they love the idea and then comes the SD's response which is - "I have already talked to Daddy and I don't understand why it is now being planned for Saturday when he said for me to come over on Sunday after church since he would already have the boys (her sons-our grandsons - no, wait, she says they are HIS grandsons).

Frustrated 35 year old won't grow up.

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I just really neede a forum to vent. I am exhausted of the phone calls for help because SD decided to marry drug addict who had had a record since age 14! I just recently found out about the age 14 thing! It was for blowing up a gas station! He is in prison for drug related issues and not due for release any time soon. He was sentenced for 8 years. Two precious grandsons from them, but man, seriously how much are 6 and 7 year olds supposed to endure?