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**Update** to SS being grounded

Eagle Eye's picture

I was just looking at facebook (the tell all) and found that SS13 was posting on his girlfriends page last night!! Not only was he posting but he told her that he would be calling her later! :?

I guess this shows that I'm not truly disengaged because I sent DH a text letting him know what I had found. I clearly thought he'd be in trouble! I couldn't figure out how he was facebooking or calling!!

I should have known!! DH text me back and told me he gave SS his phone back for a "few minutes" :jawdrop:

What a bunch of crap!! DH didn't last 24 hrs enforcing punishment! I liked it better when I was being stronger about disengaging! I am going to stop checking up on SS!! Why bother! We will let him run loose, do what he wants and flunk out of school! Who gives a flying fuck anyway!


Eagle Eye's picture

I'm so frustrated!! I cannot believe DH gave him his phone back for a minute!! I was there over the weekend with him while he ranted and carried on about the punishment he would enforce etc..I thought for a moment maybe things would change!! hahaha

I am back on the disengagement train for my own sanity!! I don't care what SS does any longer! There is no point!! Sad

My BD is home sick today. She has to stay in her room all day and night. If she is too sick to go to school she is too sick to be out in the rest of the house! I will enforce that and she knows it!

All I know is my daughter does very well in school and is polite! SS not so much!!

Willow2010's picture

My SS has been grounded MANY, MANY times for crazy bad things, over the years. Stealing, cheating, fighting, ect,ect,ect. I bet he has actually been REALLT grounded less than 3-4 hours TOTAL. DH and BM both tell will tell him he is grounded for a week, and with in 15 minutes it is ALL forgotten. SICK!