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Don't Know What To Do?... Help?

.Em.'s picture

I wrote a previous post on my SO leaving and why. Most of you said to leave him... but I'm just not ready to do that.

So for those of you who don't know, my SO moved to Texas. He moved to Texas to work with his mother in her new restaurant. He is the new GM there and apparently he has 1/3 ownership of that restaurant. He moved because he couldn't find work here, and because he was so tired of the city life.
I have stayed here in Florida in our apartment, and he is living with his mother and her husband while he gathers up enough money to get his own place IF this restaurant takes off. When/if he finds a place, he wants me to move in with him.

Sidenote: I didn't go with him because we would have not been able to live with his mother in the tiny second room they have. His mother (who hasn't met me yet, after being with SO for 2 1/2 years) somehow for some reason is opposed to our relationship. She told SO to move on and find a girl in Texas, and SO told me he doesn't want to find someone new. He wants me.

Anyway... everyone in my family is opposed BM's parents are completely against it and were willing to bring buy him a flight home. They are pretty much like parents to us. Why? It's another story. But they do love us and want the best for us. Everyone is upset with his decision making.

A few days after being in Texas, he told me he wanted to come home. He told me to call BM's parents to wire him money to come home. Next day he changes his mind and tells me that he wants to really try this restaurant out and that he was going to ask him mom if I could go live with them, because he couldn't take being away from me. She says yes, and I start looking for flights and putting things online for sale. The next night he sends me a text saying that his mother and her husband changed their minds and don't want us living there.

I'm so sick of all this back and forth. Everyone knows that his mother is putting messed up ideas in his head just to get him to work at that restaurant. He works 13 hours a day 7 days a week right now, with no pay at the moment. I'm just livid and hurt. Because I'm sitting here waiting for something to happen. He doesn't get that. He doesn't have the time to think what he's doing because he is so busy working. But I talked to BM's parents today and they said they were going to talk to him to see if they can change his mind and make him come home.

My SO can't live without his kids. We all know it. We are waiting how long it's going to take him to get so homesick and miss the kids so much that he will want to come home

I'm not asking all of you to tell me if I should be with him or not, because I know I want to be with him. I love him and I love his kids. I don't want him being away from them. And although being in Texas with him alone... and it being just us without the skids sounds very tempting, I still want him here. I want him to be able to raise his children like he has to.

I guess I'm just asking for support. Asking how I can change SO's mind. I hate being in this limbo.

I just want him to come home... Sad Sad Sad


MamaDuck's picture


I've been looking for full time employment for quite some time, it's not easy, my mother keeps trying to coax me to Australia to live, she will be able to get me all sorts off jobs asap.. I'm starting to get very tempted, for me it will mean leaving SO, and my BD11... very hard decision, hence why I'm still here struggling to make ends meet...

You and your SO and in such an awful predicament Sad I really feel for you and I wish that the job market was better for everyone! I hope things work out for you guys one way or another. Is he still applying for jobs in your town?? You never know, he might get lucky??

Good luck!

.Em.'s picture

No, he's not applying in our town. All of his time and energy are going into this restaurant. Even BM's parents said they would help us while he was out of work. But he insists on making it work in Texas.

Disneyfan's picture

He's doing the right thing.

His ex inlaws should not have to help him and his new GF get by. :?

Cocoa's picture

honey, you can't make someone do what they don't want to do. he has moved away from you. it does sound like he has a lot of people in his ear trying to influence him. but, ultimately HE decides what he will do. all you can decide is what YOU will do. if you don't want to move on with your life, either move there and set yourself up in a new apartment or wait until IF or WHEN he decides he's capable of getting another place. seems to me most couples try to work these things out together, without being separated. but people in the armed forces do it all the time. but i'd have a hard time being with a man who under not only his mother's influence, but also his ex in laws'. I think your limbo stems from not having concrete plans with him. if was based on IF and WHEN. if you are planning the rest of your life based on this, you are in limbo until YOU make a decision. he and his mother have made his.

.Em.'s picture

How right you are LadyFace.
I'd like for him to read this, but SO doesn't know I go on this website and I don't know how thrilled he would be of having our problems put online.
I texted him today (because God forbid he spends 1 min. on the phone), that we needed him here and how much I missed him. How drastic and illogical this choice was that he made. And so, he is beginning to see it now. How he should move back. They are already having problems. He works his butt off with no day off. And it's just not a way to live.
Thank you for your insight! I thought maybe, this had only happened to me LOL