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esm for too long's Blog

Oh the hilarity of it all...

esm for too long's picture

So last night, DH gets home from work with SD8. I've got the crud and have been feeling rotten since the weekend. This is my last week at my current position at work so I have people pulling at me from every angle and I'm stressed about the new position that begins on Monday and requires a lot of travel.

Read this as "I'M NOT IN THE MOOD!".

So DH is out of town

esm for too long's picture

And though I have missed him, it has been BLISS not having to be around SD at ALL!!! Quiet, peaceful, no whining, no pacing, no STARING! Gosh it has been wonderful! I haven't had to be around her since LAST Wednesday night, thanks to the visitation schedule and how it panned out with his travel day. Alas, all good things must come to an end. He returns tomorrow and is bringing her home. Yay.

My Story

esm for too long's picture

I have been married three times. The first time was to the father of my children, when I found out at 17 that I was pregnant and good old-fashioned southern values pointed us straight to marriage. We were married for 16 years when I finally decided the physical and mental abuse was enough, especially towards the kids. Can't say why it took me so long to leave, too long ago and doesn't matter. My son is now 24, married last October and living way too far away. My daughter just started her Freshman year at a local university and decided to live on campus.