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In laws......

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Not just any husbands' parents....but his deceased wife's parents. Does anyone think I should try to build a relationship with them? The history on that one is that she's an alcoholic. Her daughter was the only child, I doubt she will move forward after all these years and alcohol. The woman doesn't look me in the eyes, which is really big ugh for me. It's her, not so much the step father in law. She hasn't been to this house since her daughter passed away. And guess what...she gets along GREAT with the SD, but neither of the boys; makes one think. She dotes and gives everything to her! the woman didn't even leave her house to come see her first born grandson!!! My BF had to take him there!
So SD told me last night (amongst other things) that I didn't attend her families functions and that her gamma has never made me feel uncomfortable....what world does she live in???? I told her she needed Mental health help seriously.
Would you go?
Where was she for the kids when her daughter passed away? I know she was dealing with her own loss, but she never stepped-up to the plate. When I asked SS why...he told me she couldn't have stepped high enough...LOL


ESMe's picture

Thanks for your replies! I don't think after 2 years she going to change. I think she is happy for him that he has found someone....but I don't think me being in front of her face is what she wants. I have never gotten in the way of him going over there for holidays etc; so I don't see how me getting more involved is going to matter. I've had enough heart ache in my lifetime than to be subjected to more. Thanks again! and love your quote snickersgal! So true!

ESMe's picture

I think mine feels obligated. And his wife died suddenly from medical reasons. She was an ony child. the mother has attached herself to the SD. I told my SO yesterday that I shouldn't have to spend my holidays with a drunk.
so, I have come up with a plan, we will have Christmas dinner here, they can come or not....I will have my daughter and SS and his family over if they want to come. If SO wants to go there for dinner, so be it. I told him that they are not my family per se.