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eviecat's Blog

My Light At The End Of The Tunnel Was NOT a Freight Train!

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I have been absent to this site for a bit. Truthfully now looking back I am reminded of how dark our situation was. UPDATE: SD moved out to grandmas house, we (DH & I)started couples counciling, focusing on communication. Then with the kids left in the house (we still have 4) we began family counseling. We all are learning about each other and each others needs in a controled and focused enviroment. It has been a God-send. The change in the house has been so dramatic that DH does not want SD to move back.

Like dealing with an evil SD wasn't enuf now DH has become Dr. Jeckel/Mr. Hyde

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Just when I honestly believe I am at my weakest point...due to the unloading of SD at the counselors 2 weeks ago with total hatred and lies (I dont worry much about her lies, shes too dumb to keep her stories straight and shows her colors without realizing it) but DH thinks nothing of it due to her "lack of intellegence". For a week I express to him that I am out of emotional energy, I am depressed, I can no longer function properly for my own boys who need their mom. I am at the end of my very very frazzled rope. I have no support system. He was truly my everything when we met.

Will it ever get better?

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I remember how it was the first year DH and I got together and began the process of blending our families. He was supportive, sensetive, and communicated. We were very connected. In everything. We could read each others thoughts with very little effort. He has 4 children (SS18, SD17, SS15, SD13). I have 2 children (BS12, & BS9). Both my children are disabled. My oldest has PDD (part of the autistic spectrum)with eplipsy. He will be with us for the rest of his lift. My youngest son has a severe Mood Disorder NOS.