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How do you deal with his past? Kinda long...

fractioned's picture

This is mostly my problem, but I'm struggling with it. There's some history in my past blogs if you want to get more of the picture.

As I learn more about my SO's marriage and its eventual demise, I can't help but wonder why he put so much effort into saving it. Of course, when I really think about the situation, I know he had good reasons. Keeping his word is incredibly important to him and so he took it seriously when he said his vows, even though they were barely in their 20s at the time. In the middle of the marriage breakdown, he had a motorcycle accident that was nearly fatal and spent over a year recovering. The meds he was on blacked him out for much of that time, and distorted reality enough that it was hard to accept that she really had left him for another man and wasn't intending to come back. She added fuel to the fire by coming around from time to time to have a drink, try to sleep with him, and I think made him feel like if he just said/did the right thing she would come home. There's plenty of other shit that she's pulled, but to sum it up, she's a crazy, manipulative, NPD ***** who puts her own whims above all else.

SO has done a lot of healing in the past year and I believe that he is done with her. He and BM have a co-parenting relationship that's been working well, and their S7 is holding up, though there are difficulties here and there. Divorce papers have been delivered back to the lawyer and they are waiting for a court date to be set to finalize it all.

So here's what I'm working with:

Good: S7 is an awesome kid, behaves well, and is bonding with me well. Custody (not court-ordered) is EOW with the switch on Sunday mornings, so I get to see him every weekend and occasionally during the week. SO tells me asks after me when I'm not there and is disappointed when I'm not coming over. This past week I read with him at bedtime for the first time, which he liked. Another day, SO and I are on the couch watching a movie and he tackles both of us shrieking "family pileup!!!" which made me feel wonderful. SO is great about balancing his attention to me and to his son when we are all together, and I never feel like I take a back seat (and neither does his son so far). It doesn't feel at all competitive - in fact, S7 seems like he really enjoys seeing the love and being included in it.

Less Than Good: SO can be indulgent with S7. Some things I see as acceptable on the short term, like letting him control the TV for the better part of the day (he loves How It's Made and Mythbusters) or letting him veto a restaurant outing because he wants to stay home. These are things that I can see turning into bigger issues down the line as he learns that he, and not the adults, control the situation most of the time. But there's also the 10-10:30 bedtimes on school nights, lax hygiene (not showering or putting on clean things every day, not brushing teeth every day and the kid has crowns because of tooth problems) and letting him watch/play more violent movies and games than seems appropriate for his age. These I see as more of an immediate issue, though I try to maintain the "not my kid, not my problem" mentality.

Good: The fact that I know how important commitments are to SO is very attractive to me. He hears out my concerns when they come up and has so far done all I have so far asked as far as setting boundaries. I've been careful not to ask too much of him, as I know that care must be take not to poke BM with a stick before divorce and visitation are on paper, and he recognizes and respects this. He is thoughtful, brave, tender, sexy, and creative - and he treats me so very kindly. When I focus on our relationship without the BM stuff, I feel very happy with him and very loved.

Less Than Good: There are still some boundaries that need to be set. Because of her behavior in the past and her relationship situation, I worry that BM will try to "come back to the nest" at some point. I have no doubt that SO will not entertain that, but I am afraid that she may begin trying to PAS the kid and/or grub for money. They still have joint bank accounts and still call each other for favors that they could solve on their own or with their respective SOs, simply because it's more convenient. I still realize that it's part of old habits, and that he wants to keep the peace while the divorce is pending. I'm just hoping that they will continue to separate their lives at a reasonable pace to a reasonable degree.

SO's FB still has a ton of pictures of BM in the albums, lots of happy memories (and "happy" ones, too). She is still showcased there as his family. Though one part of me tells me that she always will be because she is the mother of his son, I wonder if there is a place there for me in the future. I'm extra sensitive about it because I had a horrible childhood, grew up somewhat away from my immediate family, and I'm aching to be able to start one of my own. I suppose I'm just impatient, even though I trust myself to keep my feet on the ground in choosing a partner. And I'm angry and jealous sometimes because, even though BM abandoned her vows, SO still did his damnedest to try to hold their marriage together. I want the security of that commitment in my life. I know that I shouldn't feel so worried, after all, he is with me now and treats me like a queen. And I don't want to press him so hard that I push him away. I know that it's still new. I can be patient and let things evolve on their own. Some days, I just don't know how to get rid of the fear of something going wrong.


Vichychoisse's picture

Judging from this post, you seem to have a lot of positive things on your side; you're reasonable and intelligent, you can see the good and the "not so good", you have an SO that is willing to work with you, AND you're dealing with a kid that doesn't seem completely messed up.

I agree that going slowly and trying to be patient is the best approach. You will need to eventually tell him what you need though, and not hold it back out of fear. As missfrenchtoast suggests, some things you can be more subtle about, but men generally need things spelled out in black and white to understand what to do. It sounds like he wants to make you happy, and as time goes on you will feel more comfortable telling him what you want and need.

I truly feel though that when there are insecurities in a relationship, you need to be able to figure out what it is that will assuage them. This can be difficult. It's one of those "I'm not sure what I want, but I know what I DON'T want" kind of situations. So take some time to do that, and then ask for it; maybe it's taking down the facebook photos, maybe it's more than that. If he follows through, you should too - in some cases this means *choosing* to trust based on his actions.

Last... be sure to also express to him and praise him for all of the "good" you noted above! His feeling appreciated will put him in a better position to accept your needs and not view them as criticisms or demands.

Best wishes!

Kes's picture

I don't really see any glaring red flags in your story or in your relationship with your SO. The things you mention seem relatively minor: the over indulgence with SS - (10pm is definitely too late for a 7 yr old), the FB pictures etc. Negotiation with your SO hopefully can sort these things out.
My DH was still divorcing when we got together, and I didn't divorce until we'd been together for 5 years! Mainly because my ex was broke and it took me a while to get the money together to do it. I don't agree with Momof6 that this is an issue. It would only be so if you really feel there is unfinished business between SO and his ex - nothing you say gives me cause to feel there is.
He is a loving, attentive man who divides his time fairly between you and his son. This is a TREMENDOUS plus. Not that many SMs have this. Value what you have, which is a lot.

fractioned's picture

Thanks for the links! I've got to do some more reading - lots to think about.

I think he will listen to my concerns when it comes to S7, but not sure if I'll be able to get him to understand how important these things can be. The violent games come more from BM's house than SO's anyway. I have no idea what time bedtime is over at BM's, though I have a feeling it's set much earlier. She's more of an enforcer than SO is.

The newer, healthier boundaries I think will have to be set gradually. We had one incident already with BM barging into the house unexpected (at an intimate moment, no less!) and calling up the stairs to ask if she could come grab something of S7's. YIKES! :jawdrop: I was absolutely livid. He told her "NO" and went and grabbed what she came for, brought it down and she left in a hurry. He didn't see it as an invasion at first because he never locks his doors, friends always just walk in, etc. After all, she lived there for 12 years. I explained to him how she should always call first, and not "just come over anyway" if she gets voicemail, and how she knew I would likely be there seeing as I've been there every weekend since we started dating. Once he had some time to think about it, he decided that locking the doors was a good solution, and he has every time since then. I'm happy with how he eventually responded, but I can't wait till she signs that quit claim on the house...

Anyway, one thing at a time, I guess.

fractioned's picture

Thanks, all of you, for the different viewpoints and advice.

Feeling a lot better today. I know I've been lucky meeting SO and the situation is damn near ideal compared to what a lot of you all are dealing with. I should perhaps worry less about what *could* happen and do a better job of concentrating on what's happening day to day.

About the FB photos - I don't think it's minor, but I have to say that after only a few months I can see why he would want to leave them up for the time being. I think SO is of the opinion that they are only snapshots of things past, and not necessarily reflections of the reality now. I think I'll leave that one alone for now, and see how many new pictures go up!

Totalybogus's picture

How long have they been separated and how long have you two been together since that separation?

It sounds like their breakup was fairly recent. If that's the case, be very careful. Most people rebound after a long term relationship ends.

fractioned's picture

They've been officially separated for almost a year. BM has been with her current boyfriend for about two years, however. They were sleeping separately (when she spent the night at the house) for a long time before she moved out for good. I met SO last May, but we didn't start dating until September.

I've wondered about the possibility of a rebound thing myself, but SO's behavior does nothing to lead me to believe that he wants something temporary. He's putting a lot of care into this, and has stayed honest with me about his feelings (and his healing process). I'm paying attention, but I'm not worried about being a rebound right now.