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Frustrated woman's Blog

I think I may have started World War II

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Well yesterday when I got home from work my SS15 came up to me and told me that his BM called earlier and that my BD17 did not answer the phone and he was upset about it. And I thought to myself should I take this opportunity to tell him why or do I just say ohh sorry.. well I decided to take the opportunity to tell him the truth as to why she didnt answer the phone.

My cant my DH stand up to his Ex

Frustrated woman's picture

My DH and I have been together for a couple years now, and he still cant seem to stand up to his ex-wife. He lets her walk all over him and does nothing about it. Even after she has yelled and screamed at me for no reason, the fact that she constantly cancels her visitations with my SS14 whom we have custody of. And treats my DH like total crap constantly, She is the evilest meanest woman I have ever met in my entire life, she is rude to not only my DH but to everyone in our household. But yet when she wants or needs something, she still calls my DH for help.

Why does BM think she can do whatever she wants

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ok I am rather new here and havent posted very much in the past, but I have had all I can take with the BM in my life. My SS14 BM thinks she can come and get her child whenever she wants too no matter what we might have going on in our house. My BF has joint custody with BM, but SS14 lives with us. Anyways she is constantly blowing off her scheduled weekends to get her son. And then we are just suppose to drop all our plans when she does want to get him.

My boyfriends ex-wife is making my life a living hell. Please help

Frustrated woman's picture

I have been with my boyfriend for the past 2 years he has a son who is 14 and lives with us and a son who is 20 and is a United States Marine and is stationed in another state. My bf's ex-wife has made my life a living hell since day one, she has tried to manipulate both boys to hate me. Even the one who is a marine and doesnt live in the same state as us and is an adult he hates me so much and I dont understand it.