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GhostWhoCooksDinner's Blog

CPS Visit Is Over

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Without going into too much detail, it seems like the case worker is of the opinion that BM is a typical divorced mother who starts shit with her kids once her ex decided to marry someone else. She sees that BM has mental health issues. She's sure that BM is angling for full custody so she can ask for support, since this whole issue with the abuse allegation started when she was fired from her job.

Phrases Spoken by Alienated Children

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For those of you who have dealt with PAS, what phrases have you heard the kids use? These are the common ones we heard from Faux and "SS"15, word for word:

"I'm concerned for my health and safety."

"I'm concerned for my emotional well-being."

"What you're doing is mentally abusive."

"The mother is the real parent."

"I don't need a stepmother at this crucial stage of my development."

"Too many chores will interfere with my social development."

"No one should be an emotional punching bag."

"Domestic abuse extends to children too."

Good Job, BM

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DH checked SS15's school portal for the five whole school days he's been back with BM. In those five days, he was tardy to school four times, and left school early the other day because he was "sick."

His English grade dropped from a 58 to a 17 in that one week because he turned in NO homework. His math grade dropped from a 78 to a 58.

Good job, BM. Way to be a FT parent. Have fun with that.

Is it bad that I want to laugh?

NO Word Yet from CPS

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Since the report was made last Thursday, we haven't heard a word from CPS. DH called the worker-twice-and there has been no call back. I'm guessing they're not taking things too seriously. I mean, now that SS15 is out of our house and "no longer in danger" I guess it's not a priority. Either that or when they interviewed SS at school, they realized he was full of crap.

SS15 Is Banned from Our Home- Language

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I can't say much at this point, but SS15 decided to tell some pretty horrific lies about DH and I and CPS is investigating us.

DH sent him to BM's. He's DONE. This little fucker will NEVER be welcome in this home again. EVER. And that's probably a good thing. I never want to lay eyes on him again. He's betrayed us epically.

Guilt Over Disengagement

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I've been feeling like the biggest ass in the world lately, since disengaging from SS15. (I know, I know...). I actually broke down in therapy last night because it makes me feel like such a crappy person. I'm a former therapist, still a social worker who deals with very troubled people on a daily basis. I should know how to do this, right?

Poll: How Many of Us Think Their Skids Are Hopeless?

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I'm there. I have completely disengaged and, at this point, don't see myself ever re-engaging. DH had a chat with SS15 yesterday, and from what SS said, he just. Doesn't. Get it. EVERYTHING wrong in his life is my fault. BM is God, perfect and wonderful in every way. The way he acts is my fault. His problems are my fault.

Whatever. I'm done. And I'm glad.

I'm the last person to give up on any kid, but I'm beyond over this one.

Who else feels that their skid- or the situation with their skid- is hopeless?

SS15 Escalates the Passive Aggression

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I didn't think it could get much worse, but his efforts to purposely exclude me are escalating. Yesterday afternoon, when BS18 came home from school, SS15 was all happy and smiley and started a long conversation with him. He always talks to BS when we aren't home; we see everything via the nanny cams. I come home. Nothing. He doesn't say hello, doesn't look in my direction, walks right past me like I'm not even there. DH comes home a little while later. SS is out in the front yard.
