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Thievin' little bastid!

giveitago's picture

Great that SS has a job, is a volunteer firefighter and all that good stuff. He does not get his first paycheck until Friday, 4th. I had some change and a reciept belonging to a friend in my purse, it's gone! I lost $100 in $20 increments a couple of years ago too. I stopped carrying cash for the longest time too. I know that DH did not take it, he'd ask me if I had any cash first. No one else in the house! I spoke to DH about it and he said he'd deal with it, this time around I KNOW he will not let it go. Since I disengaged DH has had an absolute bellyful of SKids and their self absorbed ways, not to mention money grubbing! What tickled me was that SS is pursuing BM for checks she cashed and kept the money from. I hear him telling her that 'stealing from family is low'. I can only assume he does not consider me family? LOL
SS owes his dad a lot of money, DH set up a bank account for him attached to ours so DH can keep track of it. DH tells me he will address the missing money when it comes to repaying what SS owes. We'll let it lie for now, let him get complacent again and then watch his face when that 'amount' is mentioned as 'owed' because DH gave my friend the money back, he knew I'd tell her what happened!
What I do with $bills now is I fold them inside my telescopic umbrella, which never leaves my purse unless I am out and about and it's raining, at which point I'll put the cash in my purse and then stash it again when umbrella is dried. Shhhh do NOT tell SS!


Kes's picture

It's the pits when you have to hide stuff from your SKIDs because they steal. My SD15 went through a spell of this - and although she didn't steal money, (it was alcohol and other random stuff) I still did not leave my bag downstairs overnight when the SDs were staying, I took it up to bed with me, and still do.
Clever idea concealing cash in your umbrella - just don't forget and put it up in the rain so the cash falls all over you! Wink

tweetybird74's picture

My SS has taken things as well. Not cash or alcohol. But he did take my Ipod headphones and to this day still claims he never did, but I know DH did not take them and the cats had no use for them, (SS is the one who goes through a pair of headphones every few months). Needless to stay I bought PINK headphones to replace my missing ones. I know he won't take those!...LOL. I have however discovered he has been snooping in our room. I have a small chest box my DH made for me that I keep momentos and small personal items in. In the last week he has been in it twice. So tonight I am going out to purchase a lock for it. DH was going to put a lock on our bedroom door, but I said no, NO WAY should I have to lock my bedroom door to keep him out!DH told him last night "I know you were in our room snooping" do not do it again or there will be consequences" he did not give SS a chance to say NO I wasn't in there. DH just I know you were and don't bother trying to say you weren't! We will also be going to get a small safe to lock away some adult items we have, but knowing that he knows what is in our room bothers me a lot.