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the green frog's Blog

Karma is a b*tch!

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So earlier this morning, my daughter asked if she could have a fruitcup that was in the fridge. I have no idea where they came from,but I don't care because I pay the bills here, including Petunia's phone. So I tell her yeah. Then I hear Petunia telling my daughter that those are not mine, and that they are hers. So therefore next time ask her. So I'm like, alright bitch, two can play that game. I didn't say anything.

petunia is leaving for the weekend

the green frog's picture

THANK GOD!!! I am going to thoroughly enjoy it. Her birthday is next week - which reminds me, I've been visiting this site for a little over a year now, awwwww! Smile So next week will be just horrid between her wanting to go shopping, getting her nails and hair done, going to dinner, and of course, us footing the bill... ugh!!!

There is hope afterall!

the green frog's picture

OMG! So Petunia has been acting up, as usual. The latest - Prince Charming went out of town on business last week, left me here with the heathen and my offspring. Well, of course, Petunia decides one of those days that she is gonna hang out with her girlfriend, not tell me anything, assume it was ok to come home after dinner time, and THEN come home with a hickey on her neck. Of course I call Prince Charming, tell him what is going on, he calls her, tells her off, she goes berserk, breaks her mirror, cuts up her arm, and then throws her phone.

Petunia has got to go!!!

the green frog's picture

I have not been on in a while, but plenty has happened... Too much to write, so let's just focus on today. So! Prince Charming finally got divorced today!!! Yippee! I mean, it only took him 5 years. Meanwhile, biomom is living carefree with free insurance and a paid bill, but whatever... It is over now, right? Well, dear Petunia takes to Facebook to get her pitty party started posting on Prince Charming's wall how upset she is that everyone is congratulating him and not thinking about her feelings... BOO-FUCKIN-HOO!!!

so f***en annoyed

the green frog's picture

Last week was awesome! Petunia went out of the country on vacation with biomom. It was great! Well she came back yesterday, and I am already so f***en annoyed with her I can just scream. Already leaving shit at the computer desk, lounging around while I am slaving away cleaning this damn place, yelling at my daughter for no reason, ugh!!!! She needs to get the Fuck out and go live with her mother!!! This girl really makes me sick, there is no other way around or way to describe it. Plain and simple, the little b**** makes me sick!

disengaging from Petunia

the green frog's picture

And at this point, I could care less... I am so done with her. Done with her laziness, her lying, her rudeness, her stupidity, and so yeah, I'm done... about to step out - I will grab my son and won't even say a word to her as I walk out the door...

Need to vent a little

the green frog's picture

I am slightly peeved, but much better than I was last night at least... I am just SO DONE with Petunia's laziness - MY GOD! The girl can't even wash a f***** dish without being told like 10 f***** times!!! THAT IS ALL WE EVER ASK HER TO DO! Mostly because I am a borderline OD clean freak, and I have certain ways of cleaning. Leaving it up to her would surely drive me insane, but SHIT! Just do the damn dishes! AND do them right! OMG! That's another thing - half of them end up right back in the sink because THEY ARE STILL DIRTY!!! UGH!!!!! And no, we do not have a dishwasher...

Petunia's birthday

the green frog's picture

So, Petunia's birthday is in a few days and she has been bugging us that she wants a huge party. Well no because we spent enough money for a small wedding for her 15th birthday last year - from the hall with sit down dinner, open bar, three tier cake, to the bell dress, change in dress, shoes, hair, nails, makeup, etc.............. so of course I am the evil one because I have the final say so (thank you Prince Charming Smile ), and I said no...
