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What do you suspect 3 days from now will look like??????????????????????????????????????????

It's been a year and 2 Months since I posted. Somethings have changed and somethings remain the same. My husband's son no longer lives with us (it's been a year now). However, since we (really I)forced my husband's hand...I've managed to have his son move out. A year ago I washed 8 loads of clothes/dry/folded his clothes and off he left--How??? My husband took his son to a)initially to a hotel which we paid over $1,000 a month!! to live till we found him something more permanent.

StepSON advise please

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I've recently married (1 yr) a wonderful man who has two adult children 25,27. The older one is a teacher and lives in another city. However, his younger son has been in and out of trouble (nothing major), drop out of high school, doesn't work because his license was suspended for a year,lost his social security (his excuse), had one but due to his license suspension he doesn't-car is parked--father bought the car), he recently moved in (months ago)...he has no job (so, free everything rent,food,partying money,red bulls,cell phone etc) you get the picture.