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I need help...SD provoking again daddy falling for her shit

halfstepmom2skids's picture

Dissengaging still pissing the hell out of SD9. I put my computer screen up high on a pillow on my lap so she can't stare and glare at me cuz i have told her it bothers me so she does it more. I asked DH today to tell her to stop Hi and bying me for the sake of looking like she is being nice. She wont speak to me and I am dissengaged and don't give a shit. Her brother, SS11, told me she told her mom i was being sarcastic by saying hi and buy and that she hates it when i do it, so she is doing it to piss me off. I can't believe a child can be so vindictive and nasty.
He threw a fit saying this needs fixed now. Turned into a screaming match and slamming doors. My point is tell her to leave me the f*ck alone as i am leaving her alone. He dared questioned me as though i was the child of why i put my computer up high to block her view. I told him he knew damn well why i did it and I was not going to answer to her or him, Im not the child here. He said he stuck up for me by telling her i always do that even when she aint there.
They both know why and he is just provoking me. OMG, this game is killing me. I told him to stop letting her talk about me behind my back. The last time he confronted her by asking me what she said was true and she admitted to lying. This time he didn't call her out cuz he knew why i was blocking her view. She can't find one thing bad to say about me but she still finds something to put doubt in his head that i am doing something mean. I know it is him and how is handling it is wrong. Just so pissed we went there again and he wont stop going back and forth by one week getting her manipulative games and the following week falling for them again. I don't know how anyone would be so damn stupid as myself and stay in this marriage. Love doesn't feel like enough right now. Sad


MomMomMoooom's picture

We have a very similar situation going on in our house and I think I am going insane!

halfstepmom2skids's picture

Do you live in PA, if so, maybe we can go out and tie a good one on, skip work tomorrow, skip making dinner, skip doing laundry, and basically just become emotional retards like them. :sick:

halfstepmom2skids's picture

Do I reply back when she HI and Buys me? She is only doing it so I don't reply so she can tell daddy i wont talk to her.

MomMomMoooom's picture

I didn't cook her dinner last night and DH tells me he is going to report me for neglect.... I told him she's his kid he can cook for her.

The thing is..that is SO not me! I am the caretaker of everyone it is very hard for me not to jump in head first. But I am tired of being screamed at by a 10yo!

MomMomMoooom's picture

No actually BM lives in Pa. lol

In my situation SD10 lives with us full time BM has called once in over a month. No visits since April....and doesnt want her for Thanksgiving as the CO states. (We are overseas.) The problem is I do EVERYTHING for this child and get no respect or appreciation. I mean EVERYTHING. It got really bad yesterday and I blew up. Not speaking to my DH. He will not tolerate her speaking to him like that but if it's me he thinks I have it out for her. WTH? I do more for her than he or his ex ever have!

halfstepmom2skids's picture

You honestly should stop doing anything for her. I will not do a thing for SD anymore. Its crazy crazy crazy how they are allowed to be passive aggressive and silently hate on us and it is acceptable but we cant blink wrong about them. I think we need new husbands. :?

MomMomMoooom's picture

I don't mean to steal your page!

Everything she touches of mine she breaks! We just bought a new bedroom set 2 months ago and she in the last week has broken BOTH dressers! Seriously? She uses my clothes, my shoes, my makeup, my jewlery, any and everything of mine and I have never complained basically I treat her like our other 2 (BD15 and SD12) but she does not treat my things or me with respect. She does what ever and says whatever she wants to. Her mother sent her here back in April because she couldnt deal with her and hubby has left it all up to me. He does not follow up on ANYTHING! Her school work is shady he doesn't follow up, he is still paying child support for her and she has been here 8+ months because he wont follow up. He doesnt have any money because of it so I buy her everything etc but get treated like sh*t by both of them! SOOO tired of it!

ThatGirl's picture

You have got to stop letting her use your things! If she can't be respectful, then you don't have to be nice and let her borrow your stuff. Trust me, her tune will change when she's no longer given free reign over your clothes and makeup.

Willow2010's picture

I am a totally believer in disengagement. BUT, I do think you need to say hi and bye to her. That is just terrible to not even acknowledge that. And say it very sweetly. Lol

I am disengaged but I still talk to SS. I don’t go out of my way to start a convo with SS, but I would never purposely ignore a Hi or Bye. That puts you on the kids level and makes you seem a bit over the edge. IMHO.

You need to read the disengagement essay.

hbell0428's picture

I know what you mean about the Hi and Bye my SD13 does the same thing; fake talk - thats all it is; and Daddy is happy w/ that. I know all about the games (her games) I told her I wrote the book so stop pulling the Sh* w/ me. People are FINALLY starting to see it; but who knows she'll just cry and everything will be forgotten - I told him - I promised I would give myself 1 full year of this FTime crap - but it's not looking good; he gained one kid but he is loosing his family. It really does suck

stronggirl's picture

Yea....who is her going to report you to? He is the Bio-parent....I like that...dinner police:0