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Having a nervous break down and need some help

halfstepmom2skids's picture

Every other week i get blamed for SD9 not being happy, got verbally abused when i reacted and now that i am dissengaged i am still getting blamed and verbally abused because "i controle him". I am so sick right now and cant take this. It is a no win situation and i know i have to divorce him unless i want to live with this for 10 more years. SD9 was alone with hime for 10 minutes today and he shoved his finger into my face, literally poked my face with his finger and told me I control him because he makes her eat fruit cuz she is obese and she told him she wants new shirts and i told him she has 8 long sleeve shirts and 10 short sleeves, never told him not to buy them but accused me of telling him he couldn't buy her new shirts. It is another antic of hers, her way of getting whatever she wants or i will pay. i honestly can't handle my boys going through this fighting anymore and nothing i do is ever right even though i am not doing anything. Again today screamed at me to leave her alone and i haven't engaged, yelled at her, even looked at her in months. I have no one to freaking call and cry to cuz he chased them all away, even my sister and mom. I need to leave i know i do. Please help!


NewBeginning's picture

When you mean 'him' - are you referring to your husband or boyfriend?

Either way - sounds like he's a total asshole. Why do you tolerate this behavior? My DH would stick his finger in my face over his kids and I'd bite it off.

Honey, you are so much better than this..if you have kids of your own, get the hell out of that relationship. Find a real man. If you can't even go around your family, he's psychotic. Get out now!

halfstepmom2skids's picture

He is my husband. He is a total asshole but is also a master manipulator...abuses me physically and verbally over a manipulative 9 year old. If i knew why i tolerated it, I wouldn't be here. I have kicked him out twice over her shit. He comes to logic and gets it and then WHAM she is back and manipulating again and he is a mental case who fights with me to make her happy. I just have such low self esteem and it makes my cry to admit that. I don't know how to build my self up.

sixteensmom's picture

You already know what you have to do. Pack up and walk honey. He's poking you in the face because the brat wants a new shirt???

CatG's picture

It's time to go. No one deserves that and it seems you will never win. I'm sorry.

into the mystic's picture

Hell no...if he is actually physically abusing you, you've gotta go. There is no excuse for that and you don't have to put up with it. If you guys don't have kids of your own, you're not obligated to him for anything.

halfstepmom2skids's picture

No we don't have any kids together and i made sure to get a prenup and get the house in my name only because i never trusted him fully. I am so pissed at myself for staying as long as i have. I am so good damn tired of trying to make things work and fooling myself that it will work. I have such low self esteem and the next few weeks I have get take that back and move on.

TheWickedStepmom's picture

Your kids are watching this BS. Has he been abusive with them? You need to get out of there ASAP. If he pushed friends away, call them and tell them you are trying to get away from him. Talk to people at work... find SOMEONE. See if there is a women's crisis center in your area that can help you. If you don't leave now, the only person you can blame when it happens next time is yourself. Good luck to you.