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halfstepmom2skids's Blog

Is there a forum for how to leave an abusive manipulator..follow up breakdown

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He pokes me in the face and screams at me and tells me i control him and make him tell his daughter to eat fruit and I wont let him buy her new shirts...comes back one and a half hour later after taking her to Wal-Mart and buying her whatever she wants i am sure and getting cupcakes for her and says I love you...bla bla bla....I just told him I am in a no win situation and i have nothing to say...he says i act like my mom, i need help, i need to prove to his daughter that i like her. I told him I have nothing to prove to his daughter or him and again I have nothing to say.

Having a nervous break down and need some help

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Every other week i get blamed for SD9 not being happy, got verbally abused when i reacted and now that i am dissengaged i am still getting blamed and verbally abused because "i controle him". I am so sick right now and cant take this. It is a no win situation and i know i have to divorce him unless i want to live with this for 10 more years.

Anybody know why DH lies to me about talking to his ex?

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Skids missed school Monday because BM went to a steelers game and she left the kids with a friend. The friend apparently couldn't/wouldn't take them to school. DH got a call from school saying they were absent. DH called me flipping out what a lazy b*tch she is and said the school said she would get charges for this cuz it is repetitive. My SS11 stayed with us last night cuz BM wont take him to basketball so we do.

I need help...SD provoking again daddy falling for her shit

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Dissengaging still pissing the hell out of SD9. I put my computer screen up high on a pillow on my lap so she can't stare and glare at me cuz i have told her it bothers me so she does it more. I asked DH today to tell her to stop Hi and bying me for the sake of looking like she is being nice. She wont speak to me and I am dissengaged and don't give a shit. Her brother, SS11, told me she told her mom i was being sarcastic by saying hi and buy and that she hates it when i do it, so she is doing it to piss me off. I can't believe a child can be so vindictive and nasty.

Marriage will end if I don't handle this right...Please Help!

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Since I have dissengaged, SD9 has nothing bad to report to daddy so she told her mom last week she wants to be at her house more, it is 50/50. DH doesn't know yet, SS 11 told me this morning. There has been no fighting and that is what she thrived on. It was the only kind of relationship DH & SD shared, she complains about his wife and he would get mad and fight with me. She would get happy and start talking when we would fight. This has been happening for the last 5 years. We have separated twice because of it so she knows she had control over our marriage.

Ah Ha Moment with not listening to me and never making SD9 accountable..ha ha ha and bla

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SD9 has been running around my house for 6 years cutting curtains, gouging a pen a million times into my new wood dinning room chair, stealing my shit, paint on carpet, marker on carpet and dumb dumb dumb H NEVER making her accountable one time for it. I don't know why the hell i am still with him, pretty dumb myself for now. (3 1/2 years when my DS is gone and im out if it still happens)

Dissengaged and DH "expects" me to initiate conversation with SD9, big fight today!

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My 18 y/o son had wisdom teeth out so HD is a little jeolous that i am taking care of him. (i think that is what got him started) DH making annoying noises with throat, whistling loudly, and trying to annoy my son who is in pain and very irritable because I won't talk to SD9. My son keeps asking him to stop and he continues. Okay, now he chased my son out of living room cuz he can't take him aggitating him.

SD9 trying so effin hard to get daddy mad at me!

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I am as disengaged and it pisses the hell out of her. I bought all of the kids alarm clocks 2 yrs ago and told them it is a must that they all start waking themselves up. SD, of course, will not listen to me and do as i say so she didn't use it. She wakes up when she hears her brother, every effin day. Tuesday she had had enough of my and dh not fighting so she stirs her little witchy pot and asks DH to tell me to wake her up or get her another alarm clock. I took alarm clock out of her room cuz it was peeling the paint off of the stand it was on and she WASNT using it.
