Lying...a horrible trait that will continue on with SD
Hey y'all been a hot second. I've been busy working on myself with the help of my therapist...which is now a weekly thing. Topics we cover are..
1. How to deal with my triggers from DH's online extracurriculars....steller things like DH saying
"I hate liars". "I hate lying." Which in my head I'm screaming...."YOU ARE A LIAR DH...YOU LIED FOR YEARS..YOU ARE A LIAR"
Fun times dealing with that one..
2. How to deal with DH's "don't bring up the past"....however that only applies to me. DH and SD by golly can bring up the past...that is ok for them. I should just be moved on by now from DH's online activities and shouldn't have any lingering issues..and if I do....that is in the past.
3. How do deal with DH's inability to handle any emotion other than joy and happiness. Yes...because everyone is happy 24x7 365 days year. Seems reasonable....spoiler..ITS NOT AND I'M NOT A ROBOT.
4. How to deal with DH's...PLEASE tell me what your thinking and feeling..I want to know. When you don't I think your hiding something from me. (DH..that is YOU not me.). Then when I do share when I'm thinging or feeling.DH goes into attack/defense mode. Nothing fosters trust more then...TELL ME.....OH..NO LET ME ATTACK YOU...its like the dog you pet that keeps biting some point your like.Nah..not petting you..I KEEP GETTING HURT.
Now why does this all matter and how does it apply to SD....ah..I see her doing the same crappy shiznit that DH does. SD is doomed ot have one failed relationship after another...
SD got her drivers license (woohoo)...and is now driving all over. Its a good thing..she is growing up. However, the other day she told us she was going to an event with her friend, A. A few days later....SD lets it slip..she is meeting Beaver at there. me say this loud for the people in the back..WE DO NOT CARE IF SHE WAS MEETING BEAVER. That wasn't the issue...the issue I saw SD was attempting to omit this info. While I get why SD might want to limit the info as the conversation may not be pleasant or easy....IT IS STILL LYING BY OMMISSION. While this seems "innocent"...that will escalate and SD will do this in all her relationships. ANYONE SEE A PROBLEM...SD will does this in her marriage and it will cause issues. Now DH didn't see any issue with her lying by ommision. Ah..poor SD didn't want to have to deal with the consequences of meeting that DH may be upset since she is here at our house, etc. That isn't an excuse though to not tell us. While I'm upset with SD over it...I'm even more upset because DH THOUGHT THIS WAS NO BIG DEAL.
DUDE THIS VERY THOUGHT IS RUINING YOUR RELATIONSHIPS......and now I'm on the cusp of pulling the plug to this marriage.
smh...GENERATIONAL TOXIC BEHAVIOR CONTINUES....smh. SD will end up divorced..just like DH is going to.
As for me..I'm working with my therapist to reign in my overractions and emotions and trying to figure out if I want to stay in this marriage..a marriage that seems to be very onesided...and it's not slanted to me
- halo1998's blog
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You know by now
Nothing is going to change. That there will never be the monument were DH see the light. You know that. I think your therapist is doing you a disservice by now making you understand where you are at in life , and what you want out off your life .
I think you might be right..
and that is why I'm taking some time to evaluate what I want....
I hope the therapy is helping
I hope the therapy is helping you and giving you the chance to really evaluate what you want in the long run. I used to tell Spawn she needed to get out of our town and away from her parents when she graduated high school. I told her you have two toxic parents who haven’t done you any favors, you would be smart to get away from them. She did for a while, but then came back and is right back enmeshed with Meth Mouth. As for your DH if you left tomorrow do you think he would already have somebody on back up that he would just get involved with?
Not sure on that one....I don't think so
but who never really knows.
Therapy is least for me.
Your advice to your Skid was great IMHO.
DW and I often discuss how being globe trotters is in large part what has made our marriage so strong and close. DW left her home town to attend University in another State. She had SS, then 15mos old, with her. That is where we met.
My parents were Expats living oveseas. My brother and I owned a home together and were in Engineering school together. His wife lived with us when DW and I met. My SIL was carrying my niece at the time. So, as DW and I started dating and progressed from there, we were not being overwhelmed by either or our families.
A few months after we met and started dating, I graduated and left for a new job and to start my next career. Both of us figured we were moving on. The only thing that did not agree with that was my phone bill. The lowest long distance bill (pre cellphone days) I had over the next 5mos was almost $700. I could not afford to talk to her so I proposed. She said yes.
DW, me and the kid were pretty much already the 3 Musketeers. We eloped to Tahoe, and started our official journey as a family. DW and SS joined me. We moved within a year, bought a house a year after that, DW worked on finishing her undergrad, SS started school, I started Grad school, DW graduated with her BS, I finished Grad shool, we bought another house and moved, DW finished Grad school, we moved to a different state, then another, then back to one we lived in before, SS graduated from HS and about a year later joined the USAF. DW and I then went overseas for 8yrs...... We never lived near either of our families other than my brother until we had been married for more than 10yrs. Even then when my parents retired and moved near where we were living, it was only for a few years before we moved.
Kids need to launch, fly off on their own. When they marry, they need to double down on making a life independent of their family and their mate's family. We are extremely close to my parents. We have built that while they were overseas, then we were overseas, in different states, etc.... We are close with my ILs as well but not in the same way we are close with my parents and my brother and his family.
Among other things, a big part of why my first marriage failed was that we lived within a very few miles of her parents. She spent more nights in her room at their home than she did in our home. My family was overseas. We never had to bond as an adult couple. I was expected to join her family, and I did. Bad move.
Certainly many if not most families can raise kids who can be independent, grow to viable adulthood, and enter into adult relationships with some level of success. Others, can't. Kids being away and on their own is a positive for the kids and for the family. Everyone needs to learn their own journey and families need to learn how to mature. No one enters into a marriage with the 50% marital failure rate at the forfront of their minds. But the fact is, half +/- fail. No one enters into a blended family marriage with the 60+% failure rate in mind. But 60% failure of second marriages is also fact. Partners building lives together is the best investment I know to beat the odds. My second marriage is a blessing. I am proud that my incredible bride's first marrage is a blessing. We both work hard at it.
There is no fixed formula for that. But it does need to happen. Whatever works. For sure what does not work is for coddled kids to be sustained as coddled adults under the influence either of ball-less parents or controlling parents.
Reign in your overreactions??
Reign in your overreactions???? Bwahahahaha! If anything you have underreacted to your DH's shenanigans and the aggravation, burdens and difficulty he and his failed family add to your life. Many of us would be long gone. You are too good and giving.
DH always likes to say..oh halo you have such a big heart
and I read somewhere ....If someone has a big heart...expect them have big emotions. You can't have one with out the other. DH would like me to have a big heart and be giving but not have any emotions. AKA ..the wife appliance.
So I'm working on processing my emotions by myself....since its not reasonable to assume that DH can be a productive partner in that aspect.
I did point want this intimate connection with me....but you do everything in power not to. Do I trust your words or your actions....cause the words don't match the actions.
"Don't tell me, show me!"
Stick with that and make sure his nose is kept firmply pressed in that fact.
Take care of you.
I came here to say this lol
He's gaslighting you and making you believe that your reactions are overreactions and that you are the problem. They try to get you to pretty much forget what you're reacting to in the first place by focusing on your reaction. You're not overreacting. There's this girl on Youtube who talks about this and she has helped me out so much, check her out if you feel like it, her name is Synful_ . Good luck, I feel your pain lol
Halo, you have poured blood, sweat and tears into this relationship and your DH's disfunctional kids. Between their shenangans, your DH's online carries on, you having to carry the load of therapy, you carrying 100% of the household mental labour to compensate for his ADHD and working a completely ridiculously stressful job to keep everyone afloat financially, you would be well within your rights to tell them all to kick rocks. Please make some space in your life for you even if it is just a spa morning (if that's your thing).
Thank you..
It honestly feels good to have someone acknowledge these things. I am making space for me these days and working on boundaries. Not everyone in my life is onboard with the boundaries. My mother is one of them.....and so is DH.
Hi, Halo!
I've missed your funny, heartfelt posts.
I related to your comment about DH wanting you to be a robot. My DH wants me to be a robot, too. He tells me what to say to people, what to do. I usually ignore him but sometimes TRY to explain why I disagree but he doesn't get it. His dream robot would be a nymphomaniac nurse who owns a bar.
As far as your SD goes, I'd consider lies about where she is going as par for the course for teens. At least it was to see her mom, not many other undesirable destinations I can think of. It's annoying to you but I'd pick my battles.
All the best to you, Halo.
His dream robot would be a nymphomaniac nurse who owns a bar
Sounds exactly what Chef would like too. Thank goodness the World Economic Forum wants to replace humans with AI robotics. A lot less on my plate.
Ha....yep same with DH
they all want the wife without the hassle.
I've always thought that you
I've always thought that you can't demand honesty when you aren't honest yourself. Sure it sounds great to say but many of these men (and yes, women too but we're talking men now) want their wives/partners to be honest but they aren't willing to be honest themselves.
That seems to be my experience
they want and demand honestly but don't want to be honest to their spouses or themselves.
Halo, is your DH doing any of
Halo, is your DH doing any of the work here? Is he in therapy? Is he seeing his own destructive behaviors? Is he evaluating what HE wants?
DH's therapist made it clear to my DH that there is never a time that I can't ask a genuine question about his past indiscretions. That was a condition that both our therapists recommended. It makes me feel less crazy knowing that there is no expected timeframe. And he has to face the pain that I still feel some days.
If he's not doing his work, he's going to be surprised if you decide to move on with your life. That's when he'll make All The Promises. And it will be too late.
He was seeing a therapist but he retired
and now DH is only seeing out couples counselor. DH is keying in on the counselor saying..I can't live in the past. Yes I get that but it doesn't mean things don't pop up and cause me pain. I don;t know if he sees these patterns or not...and honestly I'm weary of dealing with them. I see my own therapist weekly trying to get through the trauma and deal with my own issues....
You remind me of me, Halo.
A therapist once told me I had "an overdeveloped sense of fair play". This was because I expected others to display the same level of honesty and integrity as me. Then pathological liar YSD came to live with us, and I learned some hard lessons about human nature. For example, I had to get selfish, because nobody else will look out for me as well as I can.
Your H lies to himself A LOT. So does mine. At a certain point, we have to just let go of their poo and do what's best for us. Like with his daughter - that script was written long ago, and there's nothing you can do to change it. LET IT GOOOO.
Thanks you are right
and yes I agree DH lies to himself ALL THE TIME...I don't understand it.but there it is. I am working on being selfish and well there are alot of people in my life that are not happy with that.
Taking care of one's self is
Taking care of one's self is not selfish. Holding people accountable for being lying POS, cheating, ill behaved, asshats, is not mean. Regardless of why they are or how old they may be.
I am an eternal optimist wrapped in a level of trust that people will do the right thing, though that all is tempered with a heavy penchant for pragmatism and heavily scarred by life experience.
I also believe that forgiveness is earned and those poised to forgive should demand that it is earned. Even when granted, it has to be continually earned. The one doing the forgiving should demand that and defend that hill. I could not forgive cheating. I would struggle to forgive a mate who would not defend a marriage and their mate from any disrespect. Particularly from an X, a Skid, a family member on either side of the IL boundary, etc......
One thing I learned in my marriage counseling then personal therapy journey during the demise of my first marriage and my post XW departure recovery is ..... doing the work with a therapist while the asshat primarily responsible for me being in therapy doing nothing is not acceptable to me. As soon as that happens, I am done, they are done, and my interest in recovering that relationship goes permanenty to zero. I did keep seeing the therapist. She was integral to me emerging from being a sullen defeated man of indeterminate age to a dynamic young man with a "childlike zest for life". The words of my amazing therapist when she fired me and told me that I was fine and to get on with my life. She told me that if anyone had told her that the person who came to session 9mos before was the me at our last session she would have "called them crazy".
Take care of you. Tolerate no crap. Keep your foot up DH's ass. I would do all three.