hangingbyathread6's Blog
So confused...
I'm swirling in a place of confusion. I am questioning everything that has been happening and doubting all progress I thought we had been making.
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It's starting to get rocky already...and we haven't even started school yet
It's been a while since I've been on. Things went well last week with counseling. We discussed the influences of BM and MIL and how it affects our life and home. The counselor talked with both of us and my DH said some pretty emotional and deep thoughts regarding his mother and how and why she affects him the way she does. That he knows she does but the guilt of feeling responsible for her keeps pulling on him but he is seeing just how destructive she is. We discussed together how to handle when she starts and what he can do about it. Telling her things like "Mom, you are the grandparent.
DH...you continue to amaze me!! :)
So OSS has this habit of always, and I mean always, blaming someone else for whatever he does. It literally is NEVER his fault for anything. And it annoys the shit out of me. It's about everything. You tell him to pick up something, he doesn't, you say "pick it up" his response "well so and so was in my way so I couldn't get over there" Yes, it's that bad.
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My last week of tranquility
This is the last week the kids will be with their other parents. Starting Sunday it is back to full time with all the kids, and schoolwork, and extra curriculars, and all the lovely things that go along with back to school
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Laziness isn't cured with a Rx
So my OSS has an acne problem. He's 14 and going through puberty and of course with that comes zits. Daily, my DH and I have to "remind" him at night to "wash your face". This drives me crazy. My DH will do it and then if DH isn't home he will text me, "did you remind OSS to wash his face?" The kid is 14...he can look in the mirror and SEE he has pimples everywhere, big, fat, pussy ones. I don't have to remind my BD14 nor my BD12 to wash their faces. It's part of hygiene and at this point in their lives they should be able to do that themselves.
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Maybe I am the EVIL SM??
As the sun came up on this new day, I was still grinning from the events of last night (see previous blog) and as I'm sitting here drinking my coffee, I'm still grinning...almost smirking actually.
I'm starting to think maybe I really AM the evil SM. I'm normally a very nice, friendly, outgoing person. What you see is what you get. I am fair to everyone, although once you fuck me over, you most likely won't get another chance with me and you'll be well aware of how I feel about you.
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I just smile and laugh (somewhat evilly) to myself while it unfolds and gets crazier.
So just about an hour ago both my SSs are sitting in the LR watching TV. My bs is chilling in another room watching TV. I'm in the kitchen. Cleaning up and texting with my gf. I hear The following conversation:
FANTASTIC weekend...and even made it through a boundary issue without TOO much discomfort!!
DH and I had an amazing weekend! We started out with a quick overnight to a quaint little town, spent the night and then took the back roads home and saw some cute little places along the way. We had an amazing time together, just the two of us. It was perfect even though some things were not perfect (issue with hotel room, etc) it didn't bother us at all...we just enjoyed every minute of our time together. MIL, kids, BM never entered my mind once. As soon as we got about 30 miles out of our town I felt relieved and thought...we are AWAY from it all...YAY!!
One year Anniversary this weekend...making me contemplate
So DH and I will be celebrating our first year of marriage this weekend. Initially we had plans for a weekend trip, however due to some things that have come up it's just not financially responsible to do so (thanks BM), but we're going to at least still go for one night.
Yup...I'm one of those SM's that would rather have the skids live with BM even though she is psychotic
The kids all went separate ways on Sunday. My bios to their BF and my skids to their BM. Can I say the peace in my home has been wonderful? Sunday, after a day of watching golf and visiting with friends, DH and I went home for a quiet evening of TV and relaxing. Yesterday after a busy day of work, DH and I grilled some delicious steaks on the grill and had a nice, quiet dinner followed by some snuggling while watching a movie, until he had to leave for work. Again...relaxing...peaceful. No "mom mom mom mom" No bickering. No skids whining they are bored or interrupting adult conversations.