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HannaS's Blog

My husband bought alcohol for my young grand kids

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My husband took my three grand kids out camping about 6 miles from our home at a very cool lake where all the teenagers love to go because there is lots to do. I don't like to camp out so I came out there in the day time and spent nights at home. He has been married three times before our marriage and has a teen age daughter from his last marriage. He watches her like a hawk when she is with us and treats her much better than he treats my grand kids. Any way, we have had major trouble with him lying to me and not being loyal since the first year.

My husband treats his daughter like a princess

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I need help. My husband who has been married three times before our marriage had a daughter who was five when we got married. She visits several times a year. I had my kids early so they are grown and my three step children are close to his daughter's age. She is 11 and my three are 6,7 and 8.