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Helpless0987's Blog

I do not think I will ever like/love skids

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I have tried countless times to like them and maybe someday love them, I just don't. 6 years ago I had 2 diff skids (sort of we weren't married) and they loved me and I loved them I think more than I loved their dad, and maybe I compare them to my current skids, but I loved the others almos immediately these ones have taken Alot of work and has almost developed into a hatred. Aside from how rotten, terrible, liars, zero hygiene skills and demanding little attitudes I tried and I just don't like them. I cringe every tome I have to be around them.

Just plain wore out! And taken advantage of maybe?

Helpless0987's picture

Issue 1- what skids want has to be done imeadieatly, they call the shots, they run the show end of story.
Issue 2- hubby works long hours so I get home first the kids go out and do activities and things and dh will tell them to go and at the last possible min. Tells me I have to go pick them up or take them somewhere and if I don't pick them up they are stuck somewhere so I'm backed right in a corner, he literally Waits till they are already there to tell me I have to go get them

It all finally just built right up and I just broke right Down and now I feel guilty

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3 weekends and 2 weeks straight and about half way thru it and I just broke tonight, flat out just broke. Everything came out even things I would of much rather kept to myself for the sake of coming off as a terrible un-caring human. Let me just put this out there as well, I absolutely love kids and the only thing I ever wanted to be was a mom and it saddens me that I am not, I almost was once, but I lost the child.

Let the countdown begin

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So skids are here for 2 weeks. Last minuet decsion I wasn't even consulted on. I knew they were coming for 2 weeks but I thought it was the last 2 weeks of Agust. I wasn't really prepared for him to spring it on me while they were here for the weekend.what was I supposed to say no right in front of them? Ss10 has been horrible since Friday night, threw a fit over not wanting to get his own drink in wich DH babied him of course *gag* I'm allready having a stressfull week with work, car trouble and money, WHY does it have to be now?

Spoiled plain and simple.

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So this weekend is ss9 soon to be 10 birthday. No looking forward to it. DH has bought him a pocket rocket or mini motorcycle whatever u want to call it... 400 and he couldn't help me pay bills this month bc of this... Whatever that's another story. Recap back to last weekend- he bought him a 200 mo-ped... Few months earlier a 4 wheeler and a mini bike.... And people wonder why this kid acts like he does and throws tantrums everytime he doesn't get what he wants.

Just feel so alone....

Helpless0987's picture

I hate how things have become between DH and I. His kids ruin everything, every good mood, every trip, diner family function or even just trying to watch a movie together. They drive such a wedge between us when they are here. I can't taking Listening to the ss10 brat whine, cry, and interupt every sentace we try to say to each other, Amd he let's him. There is zero commuinication between us when he is around. I have to detach myself from the situation when he is here because his actions are sending me thru the roof. I can't say anything because he Acuses me Of not liking him....

Back so sooon

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Doesn't this kid ever want to sleep?? No bed time means up all not and not even an hour of relaxation before bed for me.... No wonder I want to snap all the time.... I feel suffocated by their constant taking over everything.... Can't even watch a television show without them taking things over. I just want to cry out of frustration. I just want some sort of downtime without them on the weekends. They are just to much to be around all the time. I can't even get up out of my seat because as soon as I do they take that over to.... His kids are ruining our relationship.

Bursting with annoyance and desperately trying to hold it in

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It's been such a tireing weekend what should b my 3 days to relax from a full-time job just ends up being complete chaos from the time I get out of work till I go to bed the last day of the weekend. These kids are out of control. No matter how much time I spend with ss10 how many games we play, or one on one time it's never enough. Everythings a 20 min argument weather it's put your shoes on, take a shower or we have to go in for the night.... I can't take the whining and arguing. He wants to take over everything.
