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When they hurt my man....

Hikinggal's picture

It's hard watching my husband hurt from the actions of his own kids (SD27, SD22). He has been divorced over 10 years, I have been in the picture for the last 3 1/2. I know the stories his ex told everyone because I caught wind of a lot of them. She painted him to be a total asshole to all who would listen. He admits he was bitter and angry towards the end of their marriage. Sometimes a sucky marriage does that to a person. He suggested counseling for them, she refused and ran to the arms of his best friend instead. Oh, excuse me, they didn't hook up until "a year after their divorce" (lie). My husband was warned there was something going on between them by multiple people so he started preparing to leave a good two years before she said she "needed her space." After he moved out, he went to counseling on his own to figure out what he did to contribute to the failings of his marriage. She just continues to blame him and him only.

So she weaves this fabulous tale in which she is made to look like the poor woman who "survived a bad marriage." Surely her kids caught wind of that. His eldest is just like BM through and through: sticky sweet on the outside, bitter and tart in the middle. (in other words, keep your guard up around her).

For Father's Day she got her dad a really pathetic card that actually hurt his feelings. I saw the look on his face when he read it. He turned instantly kind of dark. At home, he threw it away, shaking his head saying, "if this is all she thinks of me......"

Of course there is more there. I can't elaborate it all. Don't attack me, please. (I have seen attacks here, not pretty)

HE has started to disengage from his own kids. I wanted to text his eldest to see how the house closing is going but he asked me to please not do that. She hasn't come to HIM for help with moving, etc. and he's not going to "beg to help her." She won't update HIM, just BM, he doesn't want to beg for info or beg for communication or beg for a relationship with her. He has been an active dad. It's not for lack of trying. But they talk/text BM everyday, dad gets nothing unless he reaches. He's tired of reaching.

When we were at his SD's house a couple months back, the 6 year old was showing off a toy she loved that we gave her. She was saying, "Papa B" (BM's man, not even married) gave this to me!! My H kinda laughed and said, "No, sweetie, we gave that to you." The granddaughter got angry and said, "NO! Papa B did!!" My H dropped it, smiled and said, "well it's a great toy...."

No need to argue with a 6 year old.... it just felt weird. It hurt my H on some level.

Ever since then I feel him disengaging more and more with his kids.

I would love a relationship with them and with the grand kids, but yeah, I can't just overstep him. I am on HIS team and I make sure he knows that. I respect his wishes. We will get the grand kids for one weekend in August, hoping to make that a tradition. One quality weekend a summer is something at least.

But yeah, there have been comments by his eldest that I know she is saying to hurt her dad and times like those I want to slap her silly.

I just sit back and enjoy my marriage with my Husband. The rest of the world can explode for all I care. But yeah, sometimes it gets to a person.

Isn't it great how family is usually the first to hurt you? Even your own kids? That's why God made friends. We have our own little life, own little circle and we are happy with that. As long as we have absolutely ZERO (NO) expectations with his kids, we are good.

(cringing, preparing for the attack........)


robin333's picture

Focus on being his wife and being supportive of him. I no longer ask my DH about his kids and that has been an intentional act of love on my part. You can't fix their relationship but you can be a great partner.

Hikinggal's picture

Yes, I read that a lot on the boards and I am thankful for him. At first I thought he was being "cold" towards them but now I get it. Especially as I see patterns start to emerge. My husband told me point blank, "I love my kids, I wish them nothing but the best and would be devastated if something bad happened to either of them, but THIS (you and me) is my life."

I guess that's the part I thought was cold, and I almost felt guilty, but I get it. I am not making him disengage, their own actions are, honestly, and that was going on long before I came into the picture.

It makes me sad because I was SO close to my dad. He passed away 10 years ago but when he was alive he was the one I called with updates, etc. We would talk for hours. But, that's not how it is for my husband and his girls and I definitely can't fix it to be like that. They go to mom and always will.

My husband wishes he had done things differently back in the day (like not run out of town when his ex left him with his best friend) but that's the choice he made out of hurt and it's what he has to live with now, having lost precious time with his daughters. He came to terms with it, I have to as well. I know it's none of my business to have to come to terms with but when you love someone, you suffer where they suffer. I am just getting caught up with where my husband is, I think. It gets easier with time.

ANyway, the girls aren't totally horrible. I can't say that. It's just always going to be a bit chilly with them. I have to learn and accept that. And also, have to accept my husband doesn't want to jump through hoops, volunteer our weekends to watch kids, etc. to try to fix things. He doesn't need that, he says. He wants OUR life to be OUR life, revolved around us, not his grandkids.

So yes, I do have to honor that. I suppose my own not having kids played into the eagerness, but I am letting it go.

2Tired4Drama's picture

Really enjoyed reading this thread and all the posters' thoughtful comments. I can relate to much of what others have and are experiencing...