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HowBoutScottyDont's Blog

Update/Question - Abuse by SS , Denial by DH

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So far, SS has complied with all the rules imposed (no coming upstairs where LOs rooms are, always supervised around LOs, limited physical contact, such as a hug goodbye if DS4 is wanting it). DH has pushed the boundaries, however. For example, DS4 would historically go to SS room first thing in the morning before school. DS4 would want to jump in the bed to wake up SS. DH still thinks this is fine as long as he is in the room; I told him abslutely not. The boys can see each other in the family room and kitchen once they are both up and dressed.


Update 1 - (Trigger) Abuse by SS14

HowBoutScottyDont's picture

The initial thread was getting long so I decided to start a new thread for updates since yesterday.

First and foremost, thank you all SO much for all of your feedback. Logging in this morning and finding more comments and suggestions has made me feel like I have a virtual army supporting me. Reading over some of the "colorful" names you've given DH in yesterday's thread gave me a laugh. And I really needed that this morning.

(Trigger) Abuse by SS14

HowBoutScottyDont's picture

I can't believe I'm writing this. DH has forbid me from talking with anyone in my real life about this, other than the authorities involved. So I am writing here to get some perspective and clarity. I have discussed with my parents, despite DH's "warning" to me; I was willing to go against DH's wishes because I needed the support... and also a place to stay (I'll explain more below)

