IAmALady77's Blog
Is this contempt or not?? advice please!
So it is now 9:40 pm, about half an hour past SD's bedtime and BM has yet to call.
I just know that she is sitting in her house getting all happy because WE haven't called HER.
The CO states that "each parent will have reasonable phone call time with SD on the nights they are apart."
The thing is, it doesn't say WE have to call HER and put SD on the phone. SHE is more than welcome to call and speak to her daughter if she wishes but I don't think that should be OUR responsibility.
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I missed the fun because I was out riding my unicorn.
Just found the craziness lol, apparently no one can comment anymore so bummer for me Anyone else a fan of Desperate Housewives? What was the redheads name again? I want to say bri lol. Yup it was bre=tranquility hahahahaha. Anyway just wanted to quickly thank the following users for literally making me laugh out loud.
ps: you all owe me new underwear.
Thank you!!!! :
Showdown Yesterday (LONG)
Keep in mind that this was AFTER a good week of her being completely normal and us getting along. AND this was after her calling me ALL day complaining about why SD didn't go potty more during the day yesterday and why was she having accidents?
BM:I'll send you guys my potty training for dummies book so you two can read it to get the information I got. That way we can all be on the same page. It's not good for her to be trained one way by me and another by you two. Its going to confuse her and make it harder on all of us. Thanks
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BM keeps calling me "concerned"
Apparently when she called earlier today it just made her more concerned because I told her SD had gone on the potty once and then had an accident. According to BM if I had been putting her on every hour then she shouldn't have had an accident and she would have gone way more than once. I did my best to let her know that yes we are being consistant but I don't think her method is appropriate or helpful in our house but that she nothing to worry about.
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Someone Help Me...potty training woes
I don't think shes ready. SD is 2 1/2 and everything I've read says you shouldn't try to potty train if they haven't reached certain developmental stages. BM has been putting her on the potty every hour by the hour so of course shes bound to go a couple times in the potty but she doesn't understand the point. All she knows is that music plays and she gets a treat.
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2 weeks of calm was apparently too much to ask lol
Shes done it. BM has attempted to go back on her word, too bad for that moment of clarity she had though right? When they went to the caseworker and made it an official court order, what she agreed too. Well now she is saying that SO lied during their meeting and that he is in "contempt" and she is taking the additional days away.
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SO's friend is a shitty husband and a repulsive human being
So my SO has a "friend" (not really this guy is just a leech and won't leave him alone and SO is too nice to tell him to fuck off) and he repulses the shit out of me.
He stopped over today on his lunch break and immediately launched into a tirade against his wife. Now they are a little older then SO and I, in their mid-30's I would say, married for 8 years...and now they have hit a dry spell.
Song on the radio reminded me of some of our BM's lol
Anyone a fan of Adele? I sure am lol, we were in the car today and "rumour has it" came on and I think I actually listened to the lyrics of this song for the first time ever..busted out laughing. SO wanted to know what was so funny and I told him it reminded me of the forum I belong to and how I bet BM and probably others BMs sing along just KNOWING their exs are coming back lol
Things are starting to look up: our parenting plan is LEGAL
SO and I went to FOC yesterday to meet with BM (I sat in the waiting room while they spoke to the caseworker) and it was great. BM and I small talked for a bit about timeouts and pottytraining.
I am still hellbent on making this relationship work for all of us, I can tell BM doesn't know what to do now that she realises all her viscious lies about me really AREN'T true. I think she had herself convinced that I was actually some drugged out whore but I digress.
Broke my heart...how much you wanna bet these little shits are some poor womans skids?
Incredibly upsetting, I would NEVER have acted like this when I was a kid. These kids have to be at least in their early teens...can you IMAGINE. ridiculous.