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I dont know how much longer i can deal with this!!!!

Itwillgetbetter's picture

My boyfriend has been paying child support for the past year in the form of School tuition. Sometimes he does pay late but it is only by a couple of days because we get paid every two weeks and it didnt land on the date. But when he did pay he would pay a late fee along with the payment. he would then pay llunch for the next two weeks and aftercare. Well BM decides that she wants to take him back to court because she wants the money to be directly taken out of his check... This screws us so bad because before we were able to pay it every two weeks now we have to pay on the first of the month 545$.!!!! all because this is what he agreed to pay. His original chils support was about 100 dollars less. Am I wrong for getting mad about this? So close to christmas and now we have to figure out how we are going to budget our money at the begining of every month. BM told him that she needed to feel secure because he went and started a new family and she needed to make sure that he didnt forget about his daughter. this just pisses me the hell off it has been over a year now does she sound like shes over him??????


melis070179's picture

Why would it all have to come out on the first? I've never heard of that. Usually there are if its due 12/1 then he can pay 1/2 out of his 11/15 check & the rest on 12/1...are you sure its all at one time? I understand her wanting to make sure its taken directly so she doesn't have to depend on him...I'm a bio mom too & believe it or not my EX's whole paycheck is deposited into my account & I then take 1/2 of cs out of the 1st check & 1/2 out of the 2nd one. I transfer him whats left after c/s each check. This was his idea though, I would be fine with just having an allotment come to me out of his check. He's obviously very trusting with me. I don't think it means she's not over him, I think she's just nervous financially & wants a little security that her daughter is still being taken care of.

Just because you CAN give birth, doesn't mean you SHOULD

Tara12's picture

so if he is paying $545 a month and you are saying that it is originally $100/mth less than let the BM take him to court and get her $445/mth and she can pay for the kids school out of the that. If she wants to screw herself and make up the difference that is her perogative. The kid is only going to a private school because apparently that is what SHE wants. If she is choosing to spend all that $$$ on school thaht is on her. Also the CS is not taken out at the beginning of the month but it can be done 2 times a month or once a week depending on when you bf gets paid. Good luck.

Tara12's picture

so if he is paying $545 a month and you are saying that it is originally $100/mth less than let the BM take him to court and get her $445/mth and she can pay for the kids school out of the that. If she wants to screw herself and make up the difference that is her perogative. The kid is only going to a private school because apparently that is what SHE wants. If she is choosing to spend all that $$$ on school thaht is on her. Also the CS is not taken out at the beginning of the month but it can be done 2 times a month or once a week depending on when you bf gets paid. Good luck.